2012年8月31日 星期五

How to Buy Flexible Track Lighting Systems

Track lights provide easy and inexpensive yet professional-looking and unexpected ways of designing, renovating or updating interiors and creative displays. Rigid track keeps it simple and no-fuss while pendulum track lighting makes it ornate and sensational, but flexible track lighting is the most versatile. It can be bent as needed and re-bent at a later time. Choose from name brands like Juno, Halo, Lightolier Lytespan, ProTrack, Hampton Bay, WAC and Elco.

Your first consideration should be the layout of the room or display. Flexible track lighting systems are available in a variety of curvature to adapt to knotty corners and tough spots that are harder to reach by rigid tracks. They can be curved to an S shape, spiral, light wave, wave and many other forms. They can adjust to mixed media or installation art, sculpture, architectural details especially on art deco interiors.

Your next consideration should be the palette that needs to be complemented. Choose from incandescent, halogen and energy-saving light bulbs to provide general or task illumination, in ambient or functional tones like white, frosted, emerald and amber. The range of track finishes includes white, chrome, steel, brushed steel, brass and bronze lines and bars in classic, traditional, contemporary and transitional designs.

Another consideration should be ease of use. Flexible track lighting is generally easy to install but you have a choice between pre-assembled systems or do-it-yourself kits that easily plug or connect into existing electric outlets. Buy a complete lighting system or buy track parts separately, including track heads and connectors.

Derek Larusso is an expert on Flexible Track Lighting. Please visit his site at http://www.flexible-track-lighting.com for more info.

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The Myth of Menstruation

Concurring with my good friend and brother, Rev. Phil Valentine (metaphysician out of New York), the female menstrual cycle is normal, but NOT natural. As the human body has the innate capabilities to adapt to pathologies, irregularities, and abnormalities, the female body (ever since the Great fall nearly 6,000 years ago and which has absolutely nothing to do with a fictitious Biblical character named Eve) has adapted to the pathology of menstruation and now uses this process as a cleansing method to rid the female body of toxins and waste. The female body has taken that which is unnatural (to bleed and lose the vital life essence) and converted that process into a normal female body function. Because of the menstrual cycle, women now have an additional eliminative channel in the vagina, bringing their total to six major eliminative channels (colon, lungs, kidneys, liver, skin, and vagina). It is because of this sixth eliminative channel that rids the female body of unnecessary waste and toxins that women generally outlive men by seven years.

Why is menstruation considered a dis-ease? Because it is not natural in nature or the wild (free). It is rare to find a mammal that lives and eats according to the laws of Nature to have a menstrual cycle. Have you ever witnessed a female horse, gorilla, elephant, buffalo, monkey, hippopotamus, giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, or cow having a menstrual discharge? Don't you think corporate and greedy man would have devised feminine pads and tampons for these animals to prevent the spilling and dropping of excessively large amounts of blood? Why of course corporate man would have, just like he did for Western and civilized woman so that she could continuously battle in the war zone called corporate America that was originally designed for white males. Man created pads and tampons for career females so that the menstrual cycle would not interfere with daily business activity. You see, with men, there is no so-called "natural" phenomenon that over takes the male body once a month causing a break in chores and activities. Originally, during the cycle time, women abstained from work and other daily functions. This break time due to menstruation was anywhere from 1-3 days at the most.

Menstruation is not abnormal in domesticated creatures in so-called civilization (which really means "slavery"). Just look at the house cat and dog. These creatures have a menstrual cycle, just like the social creature called woman.

For a human being, especially a mammal, to lose its vital life essence (blood) monthly, is not a natural occurrence. Blood exiting out of the body is not a natural thing. If a man goes to urinate and sees blood in his urine, he first screams in fear and then goes to the emergency room at the local hospital to see the doctor. Why? Because it's a sign that something is wrong (if a man does urinate blood, chances are he has prostate cancer).

The life of the flesh is in the blood. Even the Bible tells us this (Leviticus 17:11). The blood contains vital elements (minerals) necessary to maintain optimal health. The blood transports the various minerals to certain parts of the body so that certain organs may work and function optimally for the sake of the being. For example, calcium calms the nerves. Potassium ensures optimal nerve transmission. Iodine regulates and ensures optimal thyroid gland functioning and activity. Iron ensures hemoglobin and is now the major carrier of oxygen (taking over this duty from the mineral "gold" which we no longer use in our modern and degenerative states of existence as third dimensional beings). Now if the blood which carries these minerals throughout the body is being eliminated out of the body for the sake of ridding the female body of toxins and waste (which the colon and kidneys could easily perform), then the organs that need and depend on these vital elements are not going to get them and the result is going to be dis-ease or lack of good or optimal health (e.g. PMS [premenstrual syndrome]).

Take PMS for example; PMS is associated with mood swings, irritability of nerves, gas (flatulence), abdominal cramps, headaches, body spasms, short term memory loss, etc. Why? Because of a lack of nutrients or organ-specific foods to these areas for proper functioning. With blood saturated in the vaginal area during the menses and exiting via the vagina, the brain is not going to get the minerals carbon, copper, calcium and potassium (at least the amount it requires). Calcium is a calmative (calming agent). It calms you down. Do you know why the animals who graze on grasses like oats, alfalfa, barley, wheat, and gotu kola are so calm? Because they contain high amounts of calcium. Animals know that God made the grass to grow for their benefit and good health. The Book of Psalms clearly tells us that, "He causeth the grass to grow for cattle,..." Do you know why elephants are said to have good memories? Because they graze on gotu kola, an herb that enhances mental acuity and stamina. Therefore, female elephants do not experience episodes of short term memory loss (nor do they develop Alzheimer's Disease as the herb gotu kola contains bio-aluminum [organic aluminum] which attracts harmful, man-made aluminum which causes Alzhiemer's in the first place, and rids it from the body via the blood).

With blood leaving the body during the menses, the nerves are not going to get its needed amount of potassium for proper nerve transmission. The thyroid gland (a major factor in weight gain and loss) is not going to get the necessary amount of iodine it needs to regulate body weight. And with a major loss of iron, a trace element, anemia is going to undoubtedly occur and cause a host of ill-effects such as dizziness, weakness, nausea, fatigue, frigidity (or feeling excessively cold), and brittle fingernails.

During the menstrual cycle, the female body is going to saturate the blood supply in the vaginal area to help with the menstrual cycle, and as a result, necessary minerals will not be transported in the amount needed by the other body organs and members. These minerals that are lodged in the vaginal area during the menstruation will come out in bulk in the "white" stage (leukorrheac discharge). Yes, that white discharge commonly referred to as "leucorrhea," is full of nutrition (that nutrition which did not make the grade doing the menstrual cycle). The white discharge is considered healthy or normal due to its high mineral content and non-smelly or foul odor, whereas and in contrast to an irritating, pruritic, copious, foul-smelling green or yellow discharge, which indicates vaginal or uterine infection or other pathogenic conditions of gynecologic origin. (See Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary, 3rd edition, "leucorrhea.")

So PMS is due to mineral deficiency, and not a curse by God on females. Medical logic suggest that PMS can be cured or corrected by counteracting mineral deficiency by giving the body more minerals before, during, and after the menstrual cycle. The best source of these minerals is raw, organic foods (fruits and vegetables) and herbs. And remember, your body has nerves that connect to every organ in your body. The gas pockets in the colon explode and press against other nerves sites in the colon (which contain 360 nerve crystals) and cause a host of other problems, especially headaches.

It is reported that the African women kidnapped and brought to America during the American slavery period (1555-1863) did not have a menstrual cycle, but a period. Yes, they only had a little drop of blood the size of a small dot, which is why it was called a "period," that mark we make and utilize in the English language, but which is now associated with the menstrual "cycle." The term "cycle" is now a synonym for the word "period."

We find support of the disease nature of the menstrual cycle in the Bible in the story of Jesus healing the woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years. This account is detailed in the Book of Mark. Many Christian reverends, who do not apply or understand metaphysics, construe this issue of blood as a cut on the woman's body that Jesus healed, but if these ignorant Christian reverends understood medical logic, science, and fact, they would know that no human being can bleed for more than a period of 12 hours without dying! If a person bleeds for 12 hours straight, we all know what happens, except for our blind Christian pastors, especially the Negro ones. We read in Mark, Chapter 5, Verses 25-34, the following: "And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse. When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up: and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, 'Who touched my clothes?" And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitudes thronging thee, and sayest thou, who touched me? And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing. But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what she done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. And he said unto her, 'Daughter, they faith had made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague."

Now why do you think this woman's issue of blood that lasted for twelve years was called a "plague?" Well, what is a "plague?" The word "plague" is defined as: 1. A widespread affliction or calamity. 2. A cause of annoyance; nuisance. 3. A highly infectious, usu. fatal epidemic disease, esp. bubonic plague. (The American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd edition, Office Edition, pg. 633).

Do not most American females feel afflicted, annoyed, or nuisanced during their menstrual cycle? The answer is yes! Why do you think they take pharmaceutical drugs like Midol® during their cycle? For fun? Hell no! They are in pain or feel afflicted. Many or most of them (females) are not the same during this time, and they will tell you so, like they have told me so. They become very grouchy and irritated. Many will tell you that they are a "bitch" during this time and to leave them alone and/or don't say a word to them, lest they slap you or punch you in the face. Why do they become like this? It is because of the calamity or the plague, as the Bible calls it.

In analyzing the Mark 5:25-34 story or parable of the woman with an issue of blood for twelve years, we must apply spiritual or metaphysical hermaneutics and exigesis. Number one, the issue of blood lasting twelve years could be no other than the menstrual cycle. It could not be a form of blood cancer (leukemia) as cancer kills usually within six months to three years. It could not have been a bleeding sore on the body because nobody can bleed daily and nonstop for twelve years. The touching of Jesus' garments is a metaphor or spiritual symbolical meaning or action referring to Jesus' lifestyle. A garment is what protects or covers you. Likewise, a righteous and wholistic lifestyle covers and protects you (from sickness, disease, slavery, and premature death). The woman touching Jesus' garment meant that the woman touched (practiced) Jesus' way of living. The "fountain of her blood" referred to her vagina. And clearly, her "faith" (in being cured by a righteous and Essenic lifestyle) made her whole (at ease and not dis-eased). It is important to note that the parable begins by saying that she suffered (took) many things of physicians (drugs) and had spent all that she had. If her issue was in fact a wound on the skin as most Negro Christian reverends suggests, a physician would have had knowledge to bandage up the wound in order to put pressure on the wound so as to stop the profuse bleeding.

Moving on in our subject matter, if menstruation is necessary and natural, and serves to expel or eliminate toxins from the female body on a monthly basis, why then does the menstrual cycle stop or go away during pregnancy? Does a toxic woman automatically become clean or nontoxic because of pregnancy? Of course not! So why does the menses halt? The answer lies in the fact of the body's intelligence knowing that a new life is forming in the flesh and that the body will need extra nutrition for the building blocks of the new life. The body knows it loses these building blocks (minerals) during menstruation, so the body's intelligence prevents the body from menstruating once conception takes place. So what about the process of eliminating toxins? How does the female body throw off toxins during pregnancy? The female body will utilize the first trimester (or first three months) to eliminate toxins from the mother host body via "morning sickness." I don't have a clue as to why this activity is called "morning sickness" because women will suffer through this sickness throughout the day - morning, noon, and night; - something to make you think about! Women will throw up (vomit, regurgitate) to help get the body clean for the baby to develop in. Some females are so toxic, that the body will dump most of the toxins from the uterine area in to the liver, which causes or manifests "eclampsia," which is liver toxicity during pregnancy. Taking synthetic and harmful pharmaceutical drugs euphemistically called "prenatal tabs" (made with horse manure, bitumen, and coal tar) and inorganic sources of "iron" (which is derived from rusted metals such as railroad tracks) will greatly play a role in eclampsia. This synthetic and deadly "iron" [ferrous fumate and sulfate] is the cause of constipation and bloated feeling in pregnant women. Pharmaceutical companies mix this inorganic iron (humans require "organic" or "living" iron from plant sources) with inorganic sulphur. The injurious effects of inorganic mineral sulphur however, is caused by its affinity for iron and also its destruction of ferments and enzymes, and by its generation of sulphurous and sulphuric acids within the organism. It steals the iron from food and blood, forming sulphide of iron which constipates and dries up the several secretions of the digestive tract. It also steals nascent hydrogen from the fluids and tissues forming sulphuranhydride or sulphureted hydrogen. Women, this is the cause of the foul smelling gas you expel and have been revolted at, which is always given off by decaying organic matter, animal and vegetable. It is the smell of rotten eggs, putrid sores, fecal matter, and decaying flesh.

Should menstruating women engage in sexual intercourse? For health and hygiene reasons, I say no, especially if a woman is lying on her back. My reasoning is this - like the rectum, the female vagina has a "downward" spiral energy. Most eliminative channels have a downward, spiral energy (e.g. colon, kidneys). While in the sex act, the male penis strokes in and out while inside the vagina. As menstruation is a cleansing time, expelling toxins and waste from the female body, waste and toxins traveling down the vagina to the exit or opening of the vagina will eventually be pushed back up into the uterine area by the stroking male penis, and especially if a man is stroking or penetrating hard, fast, and deep with his sex organ. This is something to think about. Plain and simple, it is unhygienic and unhealthy and poses a serious health risk.

In closing, what can a female do to offset the side effects of the "plague" (menses)? The answer is found in the Bible in Psalms 104:14. It clearly states, "He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth." Plain and simple!

To replenish the body of the necessary nutrients (minerals), consume herbs such as alfalfa, sheep sorrel, suma, rooisbos, rose hips, watercress, parsley leaf, moringa or karela seed, barley grass, wheat grass, nettle leaf, and spinach leaf. These herbs provide almost every mineral the body needs.

Also, consume sea weeds such as kelp, dulse, spirulina, chlorella, Irish Moss, bladderwrack, Blue-Green Algae, Iceland Moss, and red marine algae. Sea weeds are the best and most nutritious foods you can eat, and provide your body with everything you need (oxygen, minerals, protein, etc.) and are an excellent source of organic "iodine" (thyroid gland food).

Natural sources rich in "iron" include: yellow dock root, burdock root, dandelion root, elderberries, red raspberry leaf, rooibos, and mullein leaf. Green vegetables such as parsley, greens, chives, and spinach are also great sources of iron. Blackstrap molasses (unsulphured) also provides a good amount of iron.

Natural sources of "calcium" include: comfrey root (don't believe the hype about liver toxicity), oatstraw, horsetail, and red raspberry leaf. All green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium (if you juice or lightly steam them).

Herbs to coagulate the blood and stop excessive bleeding include: goldenseal, cranesbill (alum root), dragon's blood, manjistha, musta, shepherd's purse, lady's mantle, yarrow, cayenne, Solomon's seal, barberry, and heal-all herb.

Herbs to regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle and flow include: maca, black cohosh, blue cohosh, dong quai, mugwort, red raspberry leaf, wild yam root (best and highest source of natural progesterone), squawvine, false unicorn, chaste tree berries, lycii fruit, red clover tops (best and highest source of natural estrogen), licorice root, sarsaparilla, and angelica.

Herbs that counteract menstrual cramping and spasms include: beth or birth root, crampbark, fennel seed, anise seed, and wild yam root.

Herbs that counteract menstrual related pain and headaches include: white willow bark, black willow bark, feverfew, meadowsweet, birch bark, wood betony, wild lettuce, peppermint, wintergreen, and woodruff.

Herbs that help soothe the nerves during the menstrual cycle include: nerve root or lady's slipper, kava kava, jatamansi, valerian root, lavender flower, passionflower, hops, skullcap, chamomile, and linden flower.

Herbs that give energy for fatigue during the menstrual cycle include: ginseng (all species), ashwagandha, schizandra berries, jiwanti, yerba mate, green tea, suma, codonopsis bark, kola or bissey nut, and guarana seed.

Herbs for mental stimulation during the menstrual cycle include: gotu kola, gingko biloba, bringraj, ashwagandha, ginseng, holy or blessed thistle, kola or bissey nut, yerba mate, and guarana seed.

Herbs that counteract constipation during the menstrual cycle include: senna leaves and pods, cascara sagrada, buckthorn, aloe vera resin, rhubarb root, jalap root, bibitaki, mandrake, black walnut hulls, poke root, slippery elm bark, Irish moss, guar gum, acacia gum, and psyllium Husks.

Herbs that strengthen the uterus during the menstrual cycle include: ashoka, squawvine, false unicorn, pumpkin seed, cocculus root, and saw palmetto.

Natural remedies to counteract breast soreness and tenderness during the menstrual cycle include: (oils) [internally and externally] evening primrose oil, borage oil, black currant oil; (externally - massaged into breasts) olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, grapefruit seed oil, rose hip seed oil; (essential oils that can be added to breast massage oil) fennel seed oil, clary sage, grapefruit peel oil, and rosemary; (herbs) saw palmetto berries, honeysuckle flower, red raspberry leaf, red clover tops, yew tips, poke root, wild indigo, and red root.

Herbs that counteract eclampsia during pregnancy include: white peony bark, deer tongue herb, milk thistle seeds, dandelion root, burdock root, carbon (activated charcoal), uva ursi, grapevine leaf, and Oregon grape.

Djehuty Ma'at-Ra is an herbalist and researcher located in the Glendale area of Los Angeles, California and can be reached via e-mail at djehutym@juno.com

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Top Tips on Using Flexible Track Lighting Systems

Compared to rigid, pendulum or jointed sectional track lighting, flexible track lighting is the most versatile and customizable way to light up a room or display. It can dangle from way up on cathedral-high ceilings, cut a wide swath across bare walls, hang loose from rafters and beams. You can bend and re-bend the tracks, attach swing arm or adjustable lighting fixtures onto them to suit your specific design needs. What's more, these tracks are easy to install and friendly-priced.

Use flexible track lighting to reach knotty spots and awkward corners when adding depth to a small, crowded, low-ceilinged, monochromatic or any other room. You can curve the tracks to spirals, S shapes, waves or light waves to extend to areas where rigid tracks can not. You can mix and match incandescent, energy-efficient and halogen light bulbs to provide ambience or functionality.

Buy flexible track systems to boost the dramatic flair of architectural detailing, like with art deco, decor and complex works of art, like sculpture, mixed media and installation art. Complement the palette of your interiors in an array of track finishes such as brass, bronze, chrome and steel as well as lighting tones like amber, emerald, frosted, warm or cool white.

Choose from pre-assembled systems or do-it-yourself kits, which you can connect or plug into an electric outlet easily. Name brands like Halo, Lightolier Lytespan, Juno, WAC, Hampton Bay, ProTrack and Elco will have complete to state-of-the-art flexible track lighting systems, or you can buy track components like track heads and connectors separately.

Derek Larusso is an expert on Flexible Track Lighting. Please visit his site at http://www.flexible-track-lighting.com for more info.

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2012年8月30日 星期四

Music Review of Elephant Shell by Tokyo Police Club

"Tokyo Police Club" are a four-piece Canadian indie rock band from Newmarket, Ontario. Tokyo Police Club were formed in 2005 and they are Dave Monks (Vocals and Bass), Josh Hook (Guitar), Graham Wright (Keyboards) and Greg Alsop (Drums). Their musical genres are mainly indie rock, garage rock and post-punk revival.

Elephant Shell has a good opening with "Centennial". In the few seconds upon opening, you can hear the sound of a malfunctioned robot. The robot might be stuck or jammed somewhere, i thought to myself. Shortly, the draggy keyboard and Dave Monks just come in. Centennial is not a fast tempo track, but the guitar and bass seem to be able to work this track out. In the bridge, handclaps joining by keyboard, just come in for a brief second. And that might be one of the best moments on Centennial. At the end, i like Dave Monks goes, "I'm only wishing well, though you won't believe me, this coming Thursday evening, is our centennial..." and succeeded by wedding-like keyboard. A short opening, but i'm convinced to find out more about Tokyo Police Club.

"In A Cave" starts with guitar that comes in from afar before joining by In A Cave's core bassline. Before Dave comes in, the music is already really good. When it comes to the chorus where Dave again goes, "All my hair grows in, wrinkles leave my skin, but still, don't fade... I'll be back again when the tide is in some day...", the keyboard suddenly enters and the rest of Tokyo Police Club can be heard helping Dave out in the background. The second verse gets even fiercer with the guitar and bass, but somehow it's not loud. It still manages to sound light and effortless. The best bet on In A Cave is definitely the remaining 1 minute after the second chorus. Dave just struts his stuff, "Elephant shell, you're my cave and I've been hiding out, will you tell me a little bit about, a bit about yourself?" and joining him are the guitar, bass, drums and keyboard which play in notes that we first heard in the beginning. Only this time, Tokyo Police Club add some magic to it! Impressive stuff by Tokyo Police Club here!

From the lyrics of "Graves", it sounds like a script of a horror movie. "Pack your ashes pack a watch, change of clothes and a face cloth, meet me where your mother lies, we'll dig graves on both her sides..." The guitar keeps playing in a loop once Graves opens before the drums, bass and keyboard come in all together. A sudden adrenaline rush! Graves is one of those tracks that don't really have a chorus and relies on the music to drag it or make it a longer track. After Dave's vocals on the second verse, it feels like Tokyo Police Club are having a short break by playing the music. They really do have a strong liking for keyboards. Nearing the end, Dave just sing to the end accompanied by a howl-like sound that comes on and off.

"Juno" has some drum beats going on. As Dave sings in the chorus, it looks like there's a sound in the background which i think is produced by the instrument Xylophone, adding some Christmas feel to it. Reaching the chorus, Juno seems to be turning to keyboard to go along with Dave's vocals, "You and your soapy eyes, called it off so late at night, but your hand's on your heart, because your head's always right..." The Xylophone also plays its part here on a few notes that really complement the chorus. As Juno goes on, it ends on a sudden and tired note, "Juno, you're tired..." But i'm just getting started to know Tokyo Police Club.

"Tessellate" has some high and sharp pitched guitar in the beginning. Just as Dave sings each phrase of the verse, the keyboards which possess some catchy ingredients just come in at the right time to make sure we as listeners are having a good time listening to Tessellate. In the chorus, Dave sings with his already-known voice, "... Dead lovers salivate, broken hearts tessellate tonight..." Tokyo Police Club show some effort here by adding hand claps along side to Dave's voice. The real deal on Tessellate is definitely the sound of the keyboard which always never fails to capture my attention as it's too good. And at times, it sounds like a piano. Now i just can't get the sound of it off my head.

"Sixties Remake" kicks off with some crunchy guitar opening that reminds me of those motorcycles engine on the highway. As this song goes and reaches a point where an exclaimation of "Hey" can be heard, i already knew Sixties Remake is one of the tracks that is going to be my favourite on Elephant Shell. The crunchy guitar is one of the factors that keeps Sixties Remake so good. In the chorus, Dave just goes, "Hey! Bat your lips, shut your eyes... Hey! Swing those chains, and start a fight, because you've got nerve, but we've got tapped..." This has got to be one of the loudest and crunchiest tracks on the album.

"The Harrowing Adventures Of..." has me thinking that this is one of the tracks that might be suitable for babies. The xylophone just plays in notes that will make all babies in the world smile upon listening to it. It's not long before Dave enters the bay twilight zone, "The harrowing adventures of, you and I when we were captains of, submarines made of steel..." When it got to the point that sounds like a chorus, acoustic guitar can be heard playing in a way that blend in so well with the vocals of Dave and xylophone. Two string instruments which sounded like a cello and a violin can also be heard here. I really didn't expect that to come, but Tokyo Police Club surprise me here. The Harrowing Adventures Of... is undefiantly cute and cheeky in its own way. It will gulp you down slowly.

"Nursery, Academy" is a short rock track that i find Dave sings on different notes in a few minutes. In the beginning, Dave can be heard singing, "I would've gone back home, i would've gone back home, it's bad enough you're here and it's worse that you've come along..." Smart lyrics i thought. This song begins to pick up in a short while once the bass comes in. Keyboardist Graham must have worked very hard here as the keyboard is all over the place with different notes. Tokyo Police Club are trying very hard on this track to make it sounds as good as possible. I can feel that they work very hard on this track.

"Your English Is Good" has Tokyo Police Club choiring, "Oh, give us your vote, give us your vote, if you know what's good for you..." before the whole track sounds very full as the music comes in all together. Your English Is Good is cheeky and cute with the keyboard playing in repetition in the same notes throughout the track. Everytime the keyboard enters, a smile appears on my face. Tokyo Police Club also go together with, "Because your English is good, we can see it in your bones, in this neighborhood, we ain't driving you home..." With such title, Your English Is Good will definitely catch everyone's attention in the tracklist section. Plus another good thing is the cute keyboard and choir that are in this track. Sweet and cute!

"Listen To The Math" has a slow opening where Dave's voice seems to be the music here. The keyboards and bass add some weight to Dave's singing as he's into the second part of the first verse. Once it gets to the chorus, it feels light with the guitar. "It's a ruse, it's a laugh, experts they'd agree, listen to the math..." Shortly after the chorus, the guitar switches to a chrunchier note that seems to be able to add some extra effects and weights to Listen To The Math. Another mention is the deep background voice that comes in during the chorus. It just follows Dave's singing in the background. Listen To The Math can regarded as a ballad that will stick to you like a fungus after a few listens.

As the last track on Elephant Shell, "The Baskervilles" has some moments on it that stands out. The choiring moments by Tokyo Police Club is worth mentioning and appear on some parts of the song and never fail to create an impact on the listeners. They would go, "Alright, we tried to help..." As we get further into The Baskervilles, the track starts to pick up and the music just sounds as lively as ever. The guitar and keyboards work their way out here. Even nearing the end, Dave increases his singing tone and yell, "A toast to the last of a dying breed, they're crawling back to bed, they're falling back to sleep" to the end. A very strong finish by Tokyo Police Club.

Darren Tan [http://www.indiesurf.com] is a huge avid fan of indie music, indie bands and indie artists. Since he was 17 years old, he started to fall in love with the indie music scene. It was a total turning point in his life for him as he no longer look at the indie music industry the same since.

With Indiesurf.com [http://www.indiesurf.com] he wants to share his thoughts, comments, reviews and opinions on the latest (and past/old) indie music, indie bands and indie artists with the world and you. You are also invited to share your views as well, so he'll see you at Indiesurf.com.

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All About Track Lighting

Parts of Track Lights

There are two main parts to this kind of lighting: the track itself and the track heads.

The track is typically made from metal and may or may not be adhesive. Adhesive tracks are adhered to the wall rather than hardwired. In general, tracks for lighting come in a number of sizes, shapes and colors. They can be straight, shaped or in some cases, flexible.

Meanwhile, the track heads are the actual light fixtures. Typically these are available in flood light style or in various pendant styles. Today's modern track lights are typically found with pendant style track heads.

The bulbs can also vary in type used. Modern light fixtures are even compatible with modern, eco-friendly varieties: LED bulbs and CFL bulbs.

Tips for Installing Track Lights

If you choose to install your lighting system with a dimmer, it's important to take note of any unusual sounds that may occur. If your lights begin buzzing when you use the dimmer switch, then the dimmer needs to be removed or else it may potentially short out the electrical system in your home.

Always be sure to place the tracks in areas where they will be most beneficial. For example, hallways are an ideal location for track lighting. Track lights can also be installed facing cabinetry in kitchens to help light the interiors of the cabinets when needed. They can also be used to illuminate wall art or as accent lighting in various rooms.

One of the biggest benefits of tracked lighting is that they are extremely flexible. They can be installed anywhere you desire and can be used to direct light into anywhere you want. In fact, one track light fixture can be used for multiple purposes: illuminating a painting, brightening a dark corner and providing additional reading light for an arm chair.

However, keep in mind that when installing these lights, limit the number of lights on the track to one track per one foot of track length. If you are ever unsure of how many lights, what type of voltage system or any other issues relating to the track light fixture and its installation, then consult a professional. Electricity is risky business and can be seriously life threatening if not handled properly.

Lastly, keep in mind that not all track heads will fit into any track. When choosing track heads, be sure that they will fit into your chosen track before installing. There are three standards for tracks: Juno, Halo and Lightolier. When choosing track heads, choose heads that match your track. These are typically denoted with a capital J, H or L. When choosing additional track accessories, you will need to always choose accessories that follow the same J, H, or L standard.

Need to find more lighting fixtures like track lighting? Check out Arcadian Lighting today!

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Normandy, France: A Trip in the Footsteps of the Liberators

As my husband and I picked up our rental car at Charles de Gaulle International Airport and headed west from Paris to Normandy, we looked forward to reliving "Operation Overlord," the military campaign led by Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower, in June 1944, that would free Europe from the Nazi occupation.

We arrived in Caen, about 150 miles from Paris, in mid-afternoon and checked into our hotel. Caen is located on the Orne River, and is famous for its connection to William the Conqueror. Favorite tourist sites in Caen include magnificent twin abbeys founded by William and his wife, Mathilda of Flanders, in 1060 as penance to the Pope, and the ruins of Ducal Castle, their favorite residence.

One of the first objectives of Operation Overlord was to take control of Caen. German resistance at Caen was stiff, and 10,000 tons of Allied bombs demolished three-quarters of its buildings, destroying and burning the city center, before the city was liberated by Canadian and British Forces on July 9, 1944. We initially saw no signs of the bitter battle as we walked about the thoroughly modern city that has arisen from its ashes.

Then, a very high cathedral, not far from our hotel, caught our eye. This slightly staggering structure seemed in danger of toppling over, and we joked about the failings of the architect; we had never seen a cathedral with such a tilt to it. However, we suddenly fell silent as we realized why the cathedral tilts. It must be the result of vibrations from exploding bombs during the liberation.

The next morning, we started our exploration of the D-Day landing sites where, on June 6, 1944, the Allies launched the most ambitious amphibious operation ever undertaken, from a 5,000-ship armada assembled off the Normandy coast.

We drove several miles from Caen to the Pegasus Bridge at Benouville, then followed the coast in a westerly direction to the beaches code-named "Sword," "Juno," and "Gold." These are the sites where the British and Canadian forces landed. The American landing beaches are further to the west. A unit of Free French soldiers, loyal to General Charles de Gaulle, went ashore as part of a British brigade at Sword Beach.

Even though it was only October when we were there, the small seaport villages along the northern coast of France were already battened down for the winter, and almost devoid of tourists. The beaches were peaceful and deserted: long stretches of white sand and deep blue water as far as the eye could see. It was hard to envision the chaos of the morning of June 6, 1944, as 100,000 Allied soldiers scrambled ashore from landing craft, in the face of German fire from reinforced concrete bunkers stretching along the beach.

We imagined members of the French Resistance listening clandestinely to wireless radio the evening before the landings took place, as the BBC gave coded announcements that the invasion was about to begin. The announcements were the signal for the Resistance to dynamite railways and cut telephone lines across the country.

Twenty minutes after midnight, the first members of the liberation force, a handful of British soldiers from the 6th Airborne Division, arrived by glider to take over the Pegasus Bridge on the Caen-Ouistreham Canal outside Caen. This small bridge was important because it was one of only two passing points over the River Orne linking Caen to the sea.

American parachutists from the 82d and 101st Airborne Divisions then began dropping over Sainte Mere Eglise and the Cotentin Peninsula. At 4:40 a.m., Sainte Mere Eglise was captured by a regiment of the U.S. 82d airborne division, the first French town to be liberated. By 6:30 a.m., the seaborne assaults had started at Omaha and Utah, followed over the next hour and a half by landings at Gold, Sword, and Juno.

The original Pegasus Bridge, now replaced by a larger, more modern bridge, is in a memorial park in the nearby village of Ranville. It is worthwhile to visit both the original site and the park with the original bridge, in order to fully imagine what it was like there that fateful morning.

By late afternoon, we were suffering the effects of jet lag. We returned to our hotel for an early dinner, delaying our bedtime only long enough to check CNN for the latest news from around the world.

We spent most of the next day at La Memorial de Caen, just northwest of the city. Le Memorial de Caen, which opened June 6, 1988, is dedicated to Peace, but it tells a story of war and violence. It is a "must see" for those who travel to Normandy to learn about World War II. Drawing 450,000 visitors a year, the museum offers film presentations, photographs, and posters that bring the wartime experiences home in a strikingly vivid manner.

We stopped for the night at Bayeux, which was liberated by British troops on June 8, 1944. The swift retreat by the Germans in this area left the medieval town without the war damage that was suffered in other places, and we were impressed with the historical architecture.

Bayeux is famous for the Bayeux Tapestry, a 230-foot-long, two-foot-high embroidery dating from the 11th Century, which tells the story of William the Conqueror's conquest of England. One theory is that his queen Mathilda and her ladies-in-waiting made the tapestry.

The next morning, we visited Centre Fuillaume le Conquerant, the renovated seminary where the tapestry is on display. We listened, through audio head sets, to the historical account of events depicted by the tapestry as we walked slowly along the window in which it is displayed. The tapestry's embroidered William driving the traitor, Harold, out of England, reminded us that war may be endemic to the human condition.

After a brief stop for lunch, we headed for Arromanches les Bains, the site of the code-named "Mulberry Port," at the eastern end of Omaha Beach, several miles from Bayeux. Because the Allies needed a coastal port to handle the massive amount of provisions required to support the invasion, British ships undertook the unbelievable task of towing prefabricated parts across the English Channel to build an artificial port.

The brainchild of Winston Churchill, Eisenhower called the artificial harbor "The key to the liberation of France." Remains of the port are located offshore, and a museum at the site, the Musee du Debarquement, documents the port's history.

The next morning, it was windy and blowing a light rain as we stood on a knoll overlooking the stretch of Omaha Beach, where the main contingent of American forces landed early in the morning on June 6, 1944.

We envisioned waves of American soldiers, members of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division, moving off the landing craft. Some drowned in the surf; others made it onto the beach, guns at ready, only to be met by steel obstacles that looked like children's giant jacks planted in the sand. A barrage of enemy fire came from concrete fortifications lining the beach. The Germans built these fortifications, "pillboxes," as the G.I.'s called them, as part of an "Atlantic Wall" along the coast, to guard against just such an attack.

Further west on Omaha Beach, which is about three miles long, at Pointe du Hoc, men from the U.S.2d Ranger Battalion advanced onto the beach toward a 100-foot cliff, which they scaled with the enemy firing down on them from above. More carnage.

Three thousand men died on Omaha Beach that day; just as many were wounded and missing. Only two of the twenty-nine tanks that rolled off the landing craft reached the shore intact.

The slaughter at Omaha was so bad that General Omar N. Bradley, watching offshore from aboard the U.S.S. Augusta, almost called a halt to this prong of the invasion. A simple granite pylon, erected by France on top of a concrete bunker, commemorates the brave souls lost at "Bloody Omaha."

That afternoon, we continued on to Utah Beach. Here, the U.S. 4th Infantry Division came ashore, suffering relatively few casualties, and pushed inland several miles that first day to link up with divisions that had come in by air. Among those who played a decisive role in the securing of this beachhead was Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.

On Utah Beach, near the town of Sainte Marie du Mont, is the Musee du Debarquement d'Utah Beach, unique as a museum because it is built over what had been a German command post. Though badly deteriorated, guns, tanks, and landing craft on display outside the museum are representative of the military hardware of the time.

By the evening of June 6, 1944, although the Allied forces were not as far inland as they had hoped, and the British had not taken Caen as planned, they had established a beachhead all across the landing area. And, as time would prove, the Germans were never able to overcome the advantage that the Allies gained by the element of surprise when they invaded at Normandy, rather than at the expected invasion site, Pas de Calais, which is a much shorter distance across the English Channel.

The following day, we went to the Normandy American Cemetery at Colleville sur Mer. This 172.5-acre cemetery is American soil: land donated to the United States by the French government, free of charge or taxation, in perpetuity.

The skies were a threatening grey, and rain drops started to fall as we arrived at this final resting place for over 9,000 American soldiers. We walked past a tour guide who was lecturing about the Normandy invasion to a circle of elderly French veterans, sporting berets with military ribbons and insignia.

At the eastern end of the cemetery is a beautiful semi-circular limestone colonnade, featuring large mosaic battle maps inset in the walls at each end; a 22-foot bronze statute called "The Spirit of American Youth Rising from the Waves"; "Tablets of the Missing," listing the names of 1,557 soldiers; and a chapel and memorial garden.

Looking out over the field of Christian crosses and Jewish Stars of David, our hearts were heavy like the weather. We walked up and down the rows, reading aloud to each other--the names, the dates of birth, the dates of death, and the states from which these brave warriors hailed.

A young man, walking along the rows alone, stopped to ask us to take his picture. He was an American businessman who had decided to take a day tour from Paris to visit the Normandy landing beaches. We exchanged pleasantries.

The next day, we visited Saint Lo, a town that was reduced to "a pile of rubble," before it was liberated on July 18, 1944, by the U.S. 29th Division. A memorial plaque, affixed to a large rock making up part of the medieval ramparts of the town, reads in French: "To the memory of the victims of the bombardment that destroyed the city of Saint Lo--June 6, 1944." The brasserie where we stopped for lunch had a very old sign in the window welcoming "The Liberators."

After lunch, we stopped at one of the private war museums that dot the route of the invading armies. The museum displays a wide variety of memorabilia from the Normandy invasion, including an American soldier's uniform, his rations, and his American cigarettes.

Our day wound up on a rocky outcrop above a medieval fishing village, overlooking the sea. We climbed around ugly concrete fortifications and military hardware on display around the lighthouse, at what is now a park. German sentries stood guard here, looking out over the Baie du Mont St Michel, waiting for the attack that came further up the coast.

The next morning, we headed to the monastery island of Mont St Michel, one of France's greatest tourist attractions. From there, we drove to the wine country of Bordeaux, then on to a Bed and Breakfast owned by American friends or ours in Forges, in south central France, before heading home from our trip.

We left the Normandy landing beaches behind with a renewed understanding of the sacrifices made by Americans and their Allies to free Europe from the tyranny of Nazism.

Brenda Warneka is a retired attorney who writes on various topics. She is widely traveled in Europe and the Far East, and has a special interest in history, in which she has an undergraduate degree. She and her husband Dick live in Laughlin, Nevada. Warneka is co-editor and a contributor to two nonfiction anthologies The Mystery of Fate: Common Coincidence or Divine Intervention featured at http://www.thefatesite.com and Skirting Traditions: Arizona Women Writers and Journalists 1912-2012. Both books are available through amazon.com ( http://www.amazon.com/ ) and other online and brick-and-mortar booksellers.

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Inventory Optimization Addresses the Challenges of Overseas Sourcing

Anyone who watches or reads the news today hears about how the sourcing of materials from overseas, particularly from Asia, has impacted the amount of manufacturing jobs available in America. What manufacturing insiders worry about the most when it comes to sourcing from overseas is more closely related to inventory levels. While purchasing material overseas may bring a company advantages in terms of lower prices, the negative impact is the growth of inventory carried on the balance sheet. For large manufacturing firms with the financial scale to absorb an increase in inventory, this may not present itself as an issue. However for manufacturing firms, the stress on working capital and the inventory turn rate can be significant.

The other issue related to inventory and sourcing from overseas is the variation in lead times. While one shipment may arrive in 6-8 weeks, the next shipment may arrive in 8-10 weeks. Since manufacturers cannot afford to be without materials, they'll increase their safety stock levels to compensate for the variability with that lead time.

Certainly when we look toward solving an inventory dilemma, we naturally focus on how inventory is being planned. In order to do so, it's important to understand the evolution of how inventory has been planned during the past 30-40 years. In the 1970's companies began stratifying their stock by an ABC analysis. A's representing the fastest movers for example. In the 80's we were exposed to a more analytical approach by adding to the ABC analysis with other variables such as cost per unit, usage rates, and perhaps even a Gross Margin contribution per unit. In the 90's we were introduced to ERP, MRP, and other similar applications. Today, sophisticated planning involves Advanced Inventory Optimization.

Inventory Optimization takes into account all dynamic variables that impact inventory levels. Through the use of these variables, and running them through algorithmic engines, an inventory profile can be achieved which will show an optimal balance between achieving the highest possible level of service with the lowest amount of network inventory.

The results often seen include 10-40% reductions in inventory while maintaining or increasing service levels (fill rates) above 98%. These results satisfy two competing divisions within any organization: that of finance, by maintaining lower levels of inventory; and that of sales, by maintaining higher service levels.

One example is the inventory optimization effort performed at Juno Lighting Group. As a manufacturer of commercial and residential lighting, they recognized that in order to be more competitive they would have to reduce costs while increasing quality and service levels. For Juno, this meant adopting lean manufacturing processes, sourcing components from Asia, and optimizing their inventory beyond the capabilities of the ERP system.

Once the inventory optimization solution was implemented, Juno was capable of providing critical data and analyses across multiple SKU families. They are now performing "what-if" scenarios to examine how much inventory is required to meet a particular service level by facility, by product family, or even down to the individual SKU level. In doing so, their material planners are now able to play a more strategic function within their organization rather than the typical expeditor or "firefighter" role. The end result has been a reduction of safety stock by 25% while maintaining critically high service levels.

Richard Murphy is Vice President at TCLogic in Indianapolis, Indiana. Since 1997, TCLogic provides a web-based inventory optimization solutions that analyze inventory to increase turns, add profitability and reduce inventory, while helping their customers maintain high service levels and enhance customer and supplier relationships. You can learn more about TCLogic by visiting http://www.tclogic.com

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2012年8月29日 星期三

Single Reviews of The Latest UK Singles


Song-writer Melody and producer Anton took the name The Narcoleptic Dancers in homage to their ball-kicking father, who was apparently a professional Dutch footballer called Johnny van Kappers. He was given the odd nickname by the sporting media due to his peculiar haircut and his nonchalant dribble - which we hope is the footballing term, rather than a gross discharge from his mouth. Anyway, we tried to research Johnny van Kappers, but sadly couldn't find much info. Bugger!

But his offspring have created some beautiful and breezy pop-folk stuff - with an old-fashioned 1970s-esque vibe that won the Mercury Prize for Bady Drawn Boy in 2000, which wouldn't sound out of place if it had been featured on successful indie-flick Juno back in 2007...or in 2010 where this type of thang is again back in vogue.

Rated 4 out of 5


Blood Red Shoes apparently got their (horrible) name from Ginger Rogers after she had trained so hard for her appearance with Fred Astaire in the 1936 movie 'Swing Time' that her feet were bleeding and her white shoes had turned red. Lovely stuff.

Now, while this is a decent effort, if only Blood Red Shoes had followed the dedication of Ginger Rogers to create a blast of classic US punk. It is good in an English lo-fi Pixies type of way, but is just lacking something special to light this up amongst fellow current noisy bands like Sleigh Bells etc.

Rated 3 out of 5

FOREIGN OFFICE - On Repeat New Band Foreign Office's ultra limited edition single titled On Repeat is released via their very own label Quiet Life Records. The DIY single will be available as a limited edition CD, which has been hand stamped (whatever that means) and wax sealed by the band.

Sounding like the funkier moments from Talking Heads, this makes us feel like we are in 1979 - with the band themselves looking like smart junior members of the Foreign Office. The best comparison would be if Chris Addison's character in The Thick Of It drank too much strong alcoholic fruit punch and started to think he could be in (the 70s funk band, not the houses of) Parliament. Err...in a good way.

Rated 3 out of 5

PINK - Raise Your Glass

Everybody knows that you have to be female to fully appreciate the (so-called) pop genius of Pink. It's a girl thing. Here is the new single to help sell a few extra copies of her greatest hits album. Due to penises and Adam's apples, many of you will be unable to see the brilliant appeal of this.

However, it doesn't make you want to puncture your own ear drums like other pop stars (hello Cheryl Cole), which I suppose makes most Electric Banana male folk slightly pro-Pink in comparison to other inferior pop rivals. Therefore, we shall at least raise a glass to her...even though it isn't really our cup of tea.

Rated 3 out of 5


New single Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) (which is also brilliantly streamlined to the snappier Na Na Na) really shows the lyrical growth of My Chemical Romance. Ahem. Yep, it is big, dumb and stupid.

This is like most MCR songs with a big simple/child-like chorus that you will probably quite rightly despise after you have heard it for the fifth time. Girls who like eye-liner will love it, but I'm afraid that this just caused a roll of the eye-brows by the majority of people at Banana HQ. It certainly isn't an electric nanana. Sorry. Bad joke.

Rated 2 out of 5

McFLY - Shine A Light

Which ones are these again? Are these the ones with that guy from tall guy from Fightstar? No. Sorry, we have absolutely no idea who these guys are. Anyway, they have teamed up with Taio Cruz and abandoned the frothy punk-pop that we imagine they churned out way back in the glory days of 2004.

This is another tragic pop song which is blatantly trying to be a ballad with dance beats like JLS. The title 'Jumping On The Bandwagon' would be a much more apt and honest title. But those sly record label types do like to tart this type of thing up as a band "maturing". It isn't. This is just a shameful attempt to appear modern.

Rated 1 out of 5

TAKE THAT - The Flood Can you remember where you were when it was announced that musical giants/rivals Barlow and Williams had patched up there differences? It was obviously a momentous event similar to when Russia and America forgot about all that silly Cold War business, or when Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat shook hands in front of the world's media with a smug-looking Bill Clinton.

Now, you'd want a BIG comeback single to mark this special event and recent colossal ticket sale success wouldn't you? Well, Barlow has written the blandest song in the history of popular music. Horrible.

Rated 1 out of 5

SHAYNE WARD - Gotta Be Somebody

Oops. We spoke too soon. This has (easily) pipped the Take That boys to the blandest song of all time. Anyway, it's not often that you should listen to Elton John, but the old dame recently said: "TV vaults you to superstardom and then you have to back it up," he continued "Leona Lewis and Alexandra Burke are at the mercy of the next song they can get."

Well, this single means that poor old Shayne is currently in deep deep deep trouble. The former X Factor winner is singing a cover version of a Nickelback song here. NICKELBACK FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!! Now, judging by Sir Elton's theory, surely Cowell giving him a Nickelback song to sing can be roughly translated as a slap across Ward's silly designer stubble. Bless. Sadly, the irony of the title is also probably lost on him.

Rated 1 out of 5

Andrew Parker is the editor of indie music news website Electric Banana. The site provides weekly reviews of singles released in the UK.

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A Wedding Without Music

Music at a wedding is an essential and integral part of the day as the songs you choose reflect your individual style and also tells your guests more about you both. A wedding without Music must be a wedding on the beach, where only the sounds of nature disturb, at the average wedding reception and ceremony,there is Music. At our wedding we chose a song from the Movie Juno, even though our wedding was on the beach, of course everyone who heard it wafting in the breeze thought we were crazy, but it is all in the words! Listen to the words.

Music is a must at the wedding but many of us do not know what songs to consider and when we must play them. I have put together a guideline that may help you below:

Firstly comes The Prelude, some song choices of the past include:

Falling in Love, Air on A G String, Air (from Water Music), The wedding Song,

I can only Imagine, Largo, Bless the Broken Road, Ariosa.

Then the bride walks down the aisle to what we call the 'Processional', choices could be;

Reminiscent Joy, Canon In D Jesu, Joy of mans desiring, Hymn, Canon in F, Here comes the bride or Forever my love.

During the Ceremony brides are known to select from the songs mentioned here or choose something more modern and creative as we did. I still like the words of the Juno song, if you were a tree, I would be the wood etc

Popular ceremony songs are The wedding song - there is love, Ave Maria, I will be here, The gift of Love, How beautiful, Panis Angelicus, The Prayer, By the sea, To make you feel my love, The road that never ends.

At the end of the wedding ceremony, this is called the 'Recessional', songs like these

Spring (from four seasons), Ode to Joy, Finale (from Water Music), Trumpet Tune, Randeau, Wedding March, work well.

Here are some popular songs and hymns that you may have heard to consider for your wedding:

From this moment

The way you look tonight

Forever in Love

It had to be you

When lights are low

Kiss the girl

At Last

What a wonderful world

Unforgettable - Nat King Cole

Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong

Moon River - Frank Sinatra

Annies Song - John Denver

You light up my Life - Debbie Boone

Love Changes everything - Andrew Lloyd Webber

From this moment - Shania Twain

Immortality - Celine Dion

Power of Love - Laura Branigan

The Wedding Song - Kenny G

Every thing I do - Bryan Adams

I will always Love you - Whitney Houston

When you say nothing at all - Boyzone

I finally found someone - Barbara Streisand & Bryan Adams

Take my breath away - Berlin

Fill the world with Love - Hymn

Let there be love shared among us - Hymn

Bind us together Lord - Hymn

How great thou art - Hymn

To God be the Glory - Hymns

Add your list to this one, put them all on your I pod and you are away. I have done many weddings at remote locations where the I pod was the perfect solution! Happy weddings and listening...and dancing of course!

[http://www.writeinafrica.com], Weddings in Africa ISBN 978-0-620-41164-6

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June Brides

June is upon us, and that means it is wedding season. In the United States, June is the most popular month for weddings (in case you are curious, the least popular is January). There are a number of reasons why June is so frequently chosen for weddings, ranging from weather to custom to some surprising practicalities.

The weather in June is certainly one of its' most appealing aspects. It is a time of year when it is reliably warm in the North, but not blazingly hot yet in the South. However, the heritage of June weddings is much older than this country, dating back at least to the Romans. The month of June was named for Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage, hearth, and home. It was only natural that a couple would want to start their life together under her protection.

A funny and practical reason for the popularity of June weddings was that back when bathing was infrequent, people took their annual bath in May (yes, I did say annual!). You may wonder why May did not become the leading month for weddings, what with everyone being at their freshest then. May has long been considered to be an unlucky month for marriages, in part because it was the month when the Romans held the Feast of the Dead as well as the Festival of the Goddess of Chastity. Apparently, very few people felt that death or chastity were auspicious omens for their marriages. In fact, there is even an old saying, "Marry in May, rue the day!"

There are many beautiful flowers in bloom in June, with roses being chief among them. Brides have always loved roses, and they come in an incredible array of shapes, sizes, and colors. From the tiniest miniature rose to the lushest grand floribunda, there is a rose that is right for almost every taste. They also hold up well in heat and humidity, which makes them a practical choice for a summer wedding. Other wonderful flowers for June bouquets include hydrangea, peonies, lavender, and lisianthus. If you select flowers than are in season, they will be more affordable and more spectacular.

Pearl bridal jewelry has always gone hand in hand with June weddings. For one thing, the pearl is the June birthstone. In addition, there is an ancient belief that if a bride wears pearls on her wedding day, she will shed fewer tears during the marriage. Pearl bridal jewelry has been worn by many famous brides, including Queen Elizabeth II and Jacqueline Kennedy, which adds to the appeal. Brides married at any time of the year love pearls for their lustrous glow and soft radiance. Like roses, pearls are available in many shapes, sizes, and colors. There is the classic round white akoya pearl, the gray baroque pearl, and even unique and informal keshi or coin pearls. With so many variations, there is pearl bridal jewelry perfect for every bride's style.

In celebration of the season, offer your guests the freshest seasonal delicacies at your June wedding. Some of the summer's best flavors include ripe berries, asparagus, sweet corn, zucchini, melon, and tomatoes. Dishes should be light and tasty; avoid heavy sauces and creamy soups. Also keep the weather in mind if your reception will be outdoors. Buttercream frosting will melt and run in the heat, but fondant will hold up beautifully. And don't forget to choose a refreshing signature drink, garnished with fresh fruit.

There are many wonderful reasons to have a June wedding. The weather is lovely, the flowers are abundant, and delicious food is in season. Other reasons to choose June for your special day range from the nostalgic (your mother was a June bride) to the sartorial (you have always imagined floating down the aisle in a chiffon gown). Perhaps you simply like the idea of the goddess Juno smiling down on your wedding day, bringing her blessings to your new life as husband and wife.

Briget has many years helping clients select jewelry and accessories. Let us know if you would like her to write on a particular topic. SilverlandJewelry.com provides a wide selection of wedding jewelry. Pearl bridal jewelry is a great choice for wedding jewelry for the bride and also makes great wedding jewelry for the bridesmaids.

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2012年8月28日 星期二

The Light For Living

There is something I would like to share with you. Some years ago I found myself called to express to many what I feel to be an important if not most important lesson - until now I have withheld this for a moment in which I could share and hopefully give greater understandings to what I have found to be a needed and deficient resource; a deficient energy, in a world that needs reservoirs of empowered souls to face adversity.

Some time ago I found myself on the very frontlines of Iraq. Clearing trenches, taking prisoners, and crossing mine fields. Fear and death walked hand in hand; a difficult and sacrificial experience I will always remember.

I recollect that in the midst of one battle with the Iraqi Republican Guard 26th Commando Brigade, I found two men. I found a disfigured man in the grips of death; missing his legs. He lay upon the back of another who had died minutes earlier. As this man bled near my feet, he blew me kisses as if to tell me "do not shoot me" "do not shoot me", I give up to you...please help me. We called the medics in an attempt to save his life, and while I waited I remember hugging the ground as bullets flew over my head. As men and war mingled in their deathly dance, I remember staring at the sun with an estrangement. I felt a separation from our planet; a disconnection in which I felt as if I had landed upon another land, another world. Was this anxiety? Traumatic stress reactions? Maybe, maybe not; but with certainty a comprehension of only survival with the absence of light in the very darkness of living. It was a modeling I had not witnessed; a contradiction of my civilized role and a contradiction of life's expectations. I witnessed no cohesion, but only conflict, hate and that which tears life from the limbs of purpose.

After my time was served I returned to the States, enrolling at Mott Community College and the The University of Michigan Flint School of Social Work. I began to interact and volunteer with communities, neighborhoods and people of all walks of life. After some time of study as well as working within the community I began to draw significant similarities between my experiences at war and the new experiences I had obtained right here at home.

It became apparent to me that injustice was everywhere. The impoverishment of woman, children, the disabled, veterans and many others gripped my heart as an emotional vice. I could not stand still. I could not be so arrogant to believe I deserved my circumstance...when they themselves could not meet their basic needs for a decent way of life, lacking equitable education, housing, health care and opportunity right here in America.

o The war dead of my mind are now the young people in our streets today shooting each other over scarce resources.

o The wounded casualties of our young sacrificing soldiers are now the emotionally, psychologically and physically abused children I have witnessed within the community due to impoverished environments and a lack of responsible parenting.

o From international to national leaders who have failed us from negotiations to military operations; so has the failed perceptions of those whom ignore the failings of an inequitable system that has assisted with less than able means considering our Nations vast resources.

With my experiences and perceptions; I realized that unjust circumstances, selfishness and conflicts tear at the hearts, minds, souls and lives of all people. Within these systems and processes of war; a war against poverty or a war against oppressive regimes; a conflict of values, ethnocentric positions and even the inability for people of all cultures to accept the different levels of values brought me to seek out the answer; that something of great substance was greatly lacking within our world.

With our ever changing world; socially, economically, politically and culturally, our unpredictable world seems to declare a message of individualistic selfishness and the abandonment of individual and social responsibility to care for others.

As the winds of globalization and the advancement of technology brings new and exciting challenges and a required need for the creation of new ideas in order to be a localized as well as globalized success in the presence of adversities. Success must be measured and will come not by representatives of power, but by leaders who will lead the light into the darkness by ensuring the selfless commitment to assist and empower individuals and the systems they are contingent to; allowing the opportunity to exist for all to meet their basic needs. Regardless of your history, your profession, your culture, your race, your religion... to relinquish inequity, to destroy individual and systemic injustice... you must be willing to be of unique character, energy and light; you must be willing to Love.

Igor Stravinsky once said "In order to create there must be a dynamic force and what force is more potent than Love?"

With this understood; our newly created ideas, interactions and our personal responsibility as members of our families, communities and societies for our future should be to plant these ideas into fertile soil. This uncommon decision so valuable for you as citizens, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers...as humans; is required in order to properly grow and flourish our future generations.

The elements of this fertile ground are expressed through commitment, personal responsibility, forgiveness, acceptance, acknowledgment of strengths and weaknesses, integrity, the value of all life, and the relentless pursuit to sacrifice oneself over others. This decision is one you all can till from the rows of your hearts and the plots of your minds.

William Barclay stated that: "Selfless love or Agape love has to do with the mind; it is not simply an emotion that rises unbidden within our hearts. It is a principle by which we deliberately live."

"William Barclay tells the enlightening story of how Edwin Stanton was the bitter opponent of Abraham Lincoln in the early days of their political careers. Stanton characterized the awkward-looking Lincoln as a clown, a gorilla, etc. When Lincoln became president, however, he appointed Stanton as his secretary of war, because he felt that he was the best man for the job. Later, when President Lincoln lay dead from Booth's bullet, at the bedside Stanton tearfully said: "There lies the greatest ruler of men the world has ever seen."

Abe Lincoln was truly a man that lived a principle of love - but today, so many speak of it; but too few express it.

"It is the ladder to scale the walls of pride. It is a shelter in which to hide. It is uncommon among the common life. It is the fuel that lights our life. Cowards hate, cowards take; but heroes live to love. No machine, no theory, no knowledge, no thought, no man...can make, create or even fully explain the powers love contains."

There was a statement made by a King in The Lord of The Rings story of the Twin Towers. This wonderful story by J.R. Tolken displays a similar reflection of our situation today in post modernized society. The King states as his castle is being taken over by evil fighters."What can men do in the presence of such reckless hate?" This is a brilliant description of today's interactions in society. Such reckless hate exists; such evil overwhelms our minds and lives; how can one survive? Evil expressed, defined and declared by the pursuit to destroy that which lives; to destroy the pleasure of living a life. To take the purpose from our reality itself.

"There is only one way to combat such tyranny. To purposely and militantly love. Hate and darkness is outmatched and incompatible with such power. In the presence of light, darkness cannot hide."

You who listen; you who have been loved and have been given the opportunity to make choices and opportunity in your lives. You have not been given opportunity, resources or maybe even wealth to seem better than others or to have more than others, but to give and love more than you have ever done before. This is your responsibility for yourself and your future.

As you have discovered, life is unpredictable and all of us have suffered in one way or another. This suffering must be turned inside out; used as energy for loving rather than hating; giving rather than taking. You must carry sharpened swords through darkened doors. One must sharpen a blade dulled by negative circumstances in order to cut deep through armor of the soldiers of darkness. One must love.

- For you teachers: a young child in your class is hungry, abused and in need of compassion in order to obtain a decent education. To that child you must be more than just a teacher. Their futures depend upon it, our futures depend upon it.

- For you nurses: a young man is dying of a rare disease. He seeks an ear to listen. You must be more than a Nurse. His sanity and our humanity depend upon it.

- Business owners: Someday you may have to decide between higher profits or affordable health care for your workers; what will you decide? Will you rationalize or prioritize?

- For any and all of us: People must be loved; it is a basic need; you must be more than a common citizen. You must be a human that loves beyond all circumstances, beyond all negative events, beyond all negative thoughts and feelings, you must choose to Love.

- Years from now our generations, our families and even our existence will depend upon our choices. Our choice to love, or hate? To destroy or make? What might you decide?

You must make that difference; the difference is what love makes...the difference to change the world.

In concluding, we as citizens of many groups, races, cultures...as humans always seek and love to be a success, but you cannot truly succeed in anything you do without loving others. I want to encourage you that in the midst of your lives and competition for resources within our individualistic society, that you measure your success by how much you loved, and gave in your professions, families, communities and society; and to ignore individualistic ideas of selfishness. If you will commit to this uncommon endeavor you will discover that loving others changes everything... loving others even changes you!

Let us set ourselves apart; leading by example as we develop the character and personal fortitude to make the right decisions within our professional and personal lives that will carry a positive impact for generations to come.

The world, the inequitable systems that oppress and take from others are governed, designed and transpired through all of us. The poor, the oppressed, the vulnerable, are depending upon your transformation to consistently love. Together as leaders and citizens of our future we can make a better, more equitable, more hopeful... a more selfless tomorrow...marked by light rather than darkness...marked by shine than shadow.

Fellow citizens,

...go shine.

Copyright2005 Compassionpwr@juno.com

See L.J.Riley Jr. Bio on other articles

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Sweden & Norway - Scandinavian Highlights For a Real Holiday

From the magical northern lights that dance in the sky above the wilds of the north, to the thousands of small, uninhabited islands in the south, now is the time to seek out the "real" Scandinavia.

The variety of accommodation, away from bland corporate hotels and international chains, is fascinating. Accommodation is available in chic, boutique city centre hotels, traditional fishermen's cottages (rorbu) and elegant manor houses

As a "must" in Sweden, you can visit Stockholm and its archipelago of over 24,000 islands. You can tour Oslo in Norway with its wealth of museums and parkland. Join the locals in one of the many waterfront restaurants and sample mouthwatering delicacies - oysters, crayfish, cod, salmon, reindeer, kottbuller (meat balls) to name but a few.

In summer, you have the Sweden's hundreds of miles of beaches to choose your ideal spot. Particularly fine are those on the west coast, where there were 96,000 lakes at the last count!. There are many waterskiing and windsurfing centres on the coast and lakes, ideal hunting ground for those looking for activity and exercise, and to indulge their passion for the water.

Also available to the active sportsperson, there are superb facilities around the country for skating, tobogganing, snowmobiling, ice climbing and even dog sled driving/riding.

A host of nature based activities are available. This includes hiking, canoeing, bird watching, midnight sun cruises and crayfish, lobster and oyster safaris in the summer months. In the winter, in addition to the husky dog sledding, snowmobile tours and ice fishing, there is also the fantastic spectacle of the and northern lights.

Sweden also has over 400 golf courses: and there is even one north of the Arctic Circle enjoys with 24-hour daylight during the summer months, for those who simply cannot get enough golf in their lives!

Or how about a cruise along the Norwegian coastline onboard Hurtigruten cruise lines, or a trip sailing along the 190km Gota Canal onboard the M/S Juno, the oldest steam passenger boat in the world.

Between the main cities there are sparsely populated wildernesses with - for example - Jostedalsbreen, Europe's largest glacier. In these regions, outdoor activities including skiing, fishing and rock-climbing hold sway. Anyone who comes here will simply marvel at the stunning beauty of the Norwegian countryside, with its multitude of steep-sided valleys, high mountain lakes and breathtaking vistas..

Meanwhile, a 'right of access' to the countryside in Sweden and Norway opens up this diverse natural landscape: pristine wilderness areas, imposing mountain ranges, meandering rivers, fjords and glaciers and peaceful archipelagoes - all there just waiting for the visitor to enjoy.

Whether you are looking for a short city holiday in Sweden or a trip to Norway, a relaxing week doing nothing or a multi-centre activity holiday - the 'real' Scandinavia is the place for you! And with cheap flights from the UK and Europe in plentiful supply, this is the time to go.

Country Connect editor Penny Church, writes for the map-based holiday destination and flight finder Travelwhere. With Country Connect, you can find cheap flights to Scandinavia. On Travelwhere you can access a wealth of additional information - including the package holiday brochures of specialist tour operators to Scandinavia.

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Des Plaines Office Space


The Cook County city of Des Plaines offers a great locale for commercial business owners hoping to open up a store or lease commercial office space. Located not too far from Chicago, those who open up shop in Des Plaines can benefit from both the local customers as well as those in surrounding areas, including Chicago.

About the Residents

The village residents enjoy all of the wonderful things which the city offers them. The population of the city was at 58,720 during the 2000 census. Household median income was $53,638 and it was $65,806 for a family. Those who live here often work local but may sometimes commute to the city for jobs as well.

Business Atmosphere

This village is nestled amongst many popular thruways such as I-90 and I-290 and is close to the O'Hare International Airport. This allows company owners who lease or purchase commercial office space in here to get customers in from all directions. Since many clients will be driving to your place of business, it is important to ensure that they can reach you with ease. The Metra and Pace offer public transportation options to those who prefer to travel this way. Air travel is also nearby with the two international airports of the Chicago area.

Other Businesses

There are many big name businesses as well as small privately-owned companies in this town. Some of the popular businesses include UOP, Holy Family Medical Center, Juno Lighting, Sysco and Abbott Molecular. Some businesses purchase property within the city while others choose to lease their commercial office space.

Things to Do

Whether one enjoys the outdoors or prefers indoor activities, there is something for all to do in this village. The McDonald's Museum is a unique place to visit and there is the Rivers Casino opening up in the summer of 2011. Outdoor enthusiasts will love the Des Plaines Forest Preserve, the Des Plaines Park District and the Mt. Prospect Park District.

Dining and Shopping Options in Des Plaines

This village is filled with great restaurants and shopping venues. For food, the choices are plentiful indeed. From American cuisine to exquisite ethnic foods, you are bound to find the ideal spot to eat a good meal. The shopping in town is also inclusive. No matter whether you need groceries, clothing, home improvement items or other types of goods and services, you can find it in this city.

Tom Koelzer, Expert Author and Partner at Tenant Advisors, Inc. represents the interests of office space tenants in the search and negotiations for office space. For help with Chicago office space for rent or Chicago office space for lease, please go to http://tenantadvisors.com/

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Healthy Summer Recipes For the Perfect Solstice Celebration

The last day of school used to mark (second to my birthday, of course) my favorite day of the year. It always fell on a humid mid-June afternoon. On this day, with the shrill ring of the final dismissal bell, my daily regime of studies would dissolve like a Popsicle on hot pavement. The expanse of summer vacation stretched itself out in front of me. She beckoned to me with promises of suntans, starry nights, bare feet, lazy mornings, and, if I was lucky, summer loves.

As an adult, estranged from the rhythms of a school calendar, responsibilities last year-round. Now my own five senses, rather than a school bell, cue me to retire the winter boots and break out the flip-flops. While summer still arrives and departs at the same times each year, I don't have the ample spaciousness to participate in Nature's celebration as I did when I was younger. This is a shame; for the arrival of adulthood should not equate the end of fun. Only in summer does Nature herself play and enjoy her bounty after a year of honest work. In the blooming wildflowers, flowing streams, late sunsets, and buzzing insects, nature celebrates. And, even as adults, so should we.

Summer officially arrives each year on June 22 with the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. In cultures and countries around the world, traditions abound for honoring this season. The ancient Chinese celebrated the earth, the feminine, and the yin forces at summer's arrival. Ancient Pagans honored Midsummer with bonfires; Swedes decorated a Midsummer tree for villagers to dance around in a magical ritual intended to bring rain for the crops. Caribbean pirates believed a ship could sail off the world and into the sun on that day each year; and Native Americans have created countless stone structures linked to equinoxes and solstices, the most famous being Wyoming's Bighorn Medicine Wheel.

We can appreciate summer's abundance as our ancestors did. To ensure that you take time to enjoy summer's delicacies, schedule it as you do other things in your life. Enjoy walks in the morning air, yoga outdoors, lunches in the park, moments to watch the sun rise or set, bike rides through the country, candle-lit dinners on the deck, or an afternoon spent swimming and sunning at the beach or pool. Even indulging in snapshots of summer can do it: sip a fresh juice from the juice bar, sunbathe on the roof during your lunch break or wear a bright flower in your hair to work.

If you are finding it difficult to orchestrate a celebration on your own, follow the ensuing prescription for the perfect summer picnic:

Make a date with yourself to meander through your local farmer's market to gather fresh ingredients on the day before the picnic or that morning, if you can.

Invite some friends or a special someone to the park, patio, beach, rooftop, or a nearby meadow for a meal in the open-air. Lay out a favorite piece of cloth or blanket and fill it with the colorful display of your freshly prepared meal. Pick fresh flowers flowers and/or herbs or collect some from the market as your centerpiece. Listen to the sounds around you. Celebrate summer's fresh flavors, abundant sunshine and warm air. Take off your shoes, take your time and enjoy!

Chilled Carrot Soup with Garden Herbs

Steamed Green Beans with Tahini-Lemon Sauce

Quinoa Tabouli

Berry and Pear Delight

Sparkling Water with fresh lemon wedges

Chilled Carrot Soup with Garden Herbs

This lovely summer soup has a rich, smooth texture even though it contains no cream. For a picnic, bring the cold soup in a thermos and the chives in a plastic bag, and then serve in sturdy ceramic bowls.

6 tablespoons olive oil

5 large carrots, thinly sliced

2 1/2 cups thinly sliced onions

1 teaspoon dried thyme

1 teaspoon sucanat

1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

4 cups vegetable broth

1/4 cup orange juice

Chopped fresh chives

Heat olive oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Add carrots and onions and sauté 4 minutes. Add thyme, sucanat and nutmeg; sauté until vegetables are tender, about 6 minutes. Add broth. Cover pot; simmer until carrots are very soft, about 25 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer vegetables to a food processor. Add 1/4 cup cooking liquid. Puree vegetables until smooth. Return puree to pot. Stir in orange juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Chill. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Keep refrigerated.) Sprinkle with chives.

Serves 6.

Steamed Green Beans with Tahini-Lemon Sauce

2 cups green beans

Steam green beans until they are bright green and still slightly firm. Serve drizzled with Tahini-Lemon Sauce.

Tahini-Lemon Sauce

¼-1/2 cup tahini

½ cup water or vegetable broth

1 clove garlic, crushed (optional)

½ cup lemon juice

Sea salt or soy sauce to taste

Combine all ingredients and beat well with a whisk or in a blender. It becomes thicker when whipped more. Yields 3-4 cups.

Quinoa Tabouli

2 cups quinoa, rinsed well and soaked

4 cups water

Two pinches of sea salt

1 cup peas

2 tomatoes, diced

2 cucumbers, diced

10 black olives cut in rings (optional)

Chives, minced

Parsley, minced

1 teaspoon each thyme and marjoram

6 tablespoons lemon juice

Soy sauce to taste

Combine quinoa, water, and salt in a pot, cover, bring to boil and simmer 20 minutes. Steam peas for one minute and place them in a ceramic bowl and mix with rest of ingredients. Add quinoa and gently toss all the ingredients together. Garnish with parsley sprigs. Serves 6.

Berry and Pear Delight

1 pint fresh strawberries, blueberries, and/or raspberries

1 pint pears, halved and cooked (these can be briefly steamed or baked until tender)

2 cups apple juice

¼ teaspoon sea salt

1 bar agar-agar

Fresh mint

Rinse agar-agar in cold water. Squeeze out excess water and tear into small pieces. Simmer juice 15 minutes and skim off foam. Arrange pear halves on the bottom of a glass dish or mold. Cover with fresh berries and pour agar-agar over fruit and let set until firm. Garnish each serving with a fresh mint leaf. Serves 6.

Fun Facts about Summer

o Animals teach their young how to find food in the summer. Wolves teach their pups to hunt, and female brown bats carry their babies with them to show them how to catch insects.

o In the northern hemisphere, the longest day of the year, the summer solstice, (near June 22) is when the sun is the farthest north. In the southern hemisphere, winter and summer solstices are exchanged. The summer solstice marks the first day of summer.

o "Solstice" is derived from two Latin words: "sol" meaning sun, and "sistere," to cause to stand still. This is because, as the summer solstice approaches, the noonday sun rises higher and higher in the sky on each successive day. On the day of the solstice, it rises an imperceptible amount, compared to the day before. In a sense, it "stands still."

o The Summer Solstice is also known as: Alban Heflin, All-couples day, Feast of Epona, Feast of St. John the Baptist, Gathering Day, Johannistag, Litha, Midsummer, Sonnwend, Thing-Tide and Vestalia.

o Summer is the best time to look for fireflies. In South America, fireflies signal each other with red or green lights. In North America, fireflies signal with yellow lights.

o The month of June may have been named for Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. For this reason, June was thought to be a good month for weddings.

o The six hottest weeks of summer are called the dog days because Sirius, the Dog Star, is overhead during the second half of July and all of August.

o In North America, the middle of August is a good time to see shooting stars.

o The first (of only) full moon in June is called the Honey Moon. Tradition holds that this is the best time to harvest honey from hives.

o July was named for Julius Caesar and August was named for Augustus Caesar. Both men were emperors of Rome.

Questions? Comments? http://www.TheWayoftheHappyWoman.com.

For more free articles, videos, and resources for women, including a Free Yoga for PMS CD, please visit [http://www.YogaforPMS.com].

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2012年8月27日 星期一

What's Your Goddess Sign?

Your natural-born attributes are no accident - they can be attributed to an ancient goddess whose energy prevailed at the time of your birth.

Just like astrology, goddess energy defines who you are and what your life purpose may be.

The time of day, year and even moon cycle influences our personalities, values and choices. Women born into the new energy of spring, for example, are Venus-inspired and are natural lovers. They can't help swing those hips or flutter those eyelashes - Venus energy is impossible to resist.

Every action, thought, projection of self, and treatment of others is a reflection of your goddess sign.

For example, if you react to a boyfriend's indiscretions by punishing the other woman, you are displaying Juno energies - she went to extraordinary lengths to avenge her husband's concubines.

Or if you like to lay low and stay out of trouble, your ruling goddess is most likely to be Hestia - she only wants a simple, uncomplicated, enriching and contented life.

No matter whether you're pleb or celeb, your goddess sign defines how you manage your choices and destinies.

Many attributes of life have been described at GoddessBirthSigns.com so you can see that no matter what the situation, understanding your goddess sign is one way to ensure you get through each day smiling.

Mar 21 - Apr 20 ... ATHENA... Born leaders, Athena-inspired women know no fear, or that's the face they present to the world at least.

Apr 21 - May 21 ...JUNO... Comfort, warmth and material security are the things that keep devoted wife Juno happy.

May 22 - Jun 21 ...PERSEPHONE... Persephone-girls tend to be fickle, meaning "yes" when they say "no".

Jun 22 - Jul 23 ...DIANA... Finely tuned to their environment and the feelings of others, Diana-inspired women are hunted for their natural empathy and sensitivity.

Jul 24 - Aug 23 ...PELE... Full of passionate energy, Pele gals love being the centre of attention and the life of the party.

Aug 24 - Sep 23 ...HESTIA... The Hestia gal is a creature of habit and organisation, purity, sincerity, sanctity and safety.

Sep 24 - Oct 23 ...VENUS... The perfect lover, Venus rules over a woman's sense of style and her appreciation for acts of love, pleasure and romance.

Oct 24 - Nov 22 ... BAST... Bast-inspired gals are creative, inquisitive and have a fine sense of where their boundaries lie. The downside, however, is that they are quick to bare their claws against a perceived threat or injustice.

Nov 23 - Dec 21 ...RHIANNON... Rhiannon-inspired women can be so focussed on the horizon, they forget about being sensitive to those around them.

Dec 22 - Jan 20 ...DEMETER ... It is typical of Demeter-inspired women to put the perceived needs of others first, at the expense of their own well being.

Jan 21 - Feb 19 ...HATHOR... Hathor-inspired women have the gift of shape-shifting - the ability to transform themselves from a woman crippled with anxiety to a creature shining with light and radiance.

Feb 20 - Mar 20 ... OSHUN... Oshun gals "go with the flow" of their instincts in order to find inner tranquility, but can lose sight of the real world in doing so.

Be my guest and read more about Goddess Birth Signs at GoddessBirthSigns.com ... Copyright Anita Revel

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