2012年6月27日 星期三

Spiritual Evolution: A Journey of Truth


We are born of the body and of the Spirit. The soul dies to one body of existence and is born unto another. Death, the illusion, carries no fear, as we die to the Holy of Holies daily, consciously and with exacting purpose. We, as Spirit-Humans, are in a perpetual state of transformation and transmutation. The Divine Self is a constant living expression of Universal wonders and ever-changing forms through evolutionary processes of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies that ascend through eternity as a spiraling source of sacred consciousness.

In other words, we are alive and eternal through the sacred Will of G-d, The Creator; even unto death within this third dimensional reality. The Body Temple purifies unto ash and the Spirit ascends to the worlds beyond. There is no greater Truth and no higher freedom. This is, indeed, a peace that goes beyond understanding and is eternal.

Humanity's birthright on this earth is the process and progress toward the return to our most natural state, Spirit. The soul evolves through continual renewal and the promises of G-d are made manifest through the individual and collective soul(s) of humanity. This overlighting covenant cannot be broken. It is the birthright of all humanity without prejudice, emotional attachment or struggling mental gymnastics. The veil of unconsciousness and the 'trail of tears' due to unrealized, unfulfilled life purpose and spiritual vision may only hide this covenant. It cannot be distroyed.


The realities of human experience go far beyond the physical and yet most of the world identifies with what they see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Ask yourself as a discerning measure, "Am I a one dimensional being or a multi-dimensional being? " Then ask yourself, "Am I greater than the sum of my body or my emotions or of my brain?" If you answered in the affirmative to these questions, then continue by asking yourself this potent question, "Do I know my Mind and is Mind something different than the physical organ we call the brain?"

First of all, humanity must recognize through spiritual and scientific knowledge that each individual human is multi-dimensional as we 'live and breath and have our being' while simultaneously working within and between many levels of consciousness. This is the Transcendent Mind. The Transcendent Mind Consciousness is G-d Consciousness. As Humanity penetrates what is known as the 'cloud of knowable things' in the Acient Wisdom Teachings, we gain the mystical understanding of life.

It is this understanding that we begin to consciously connect with the Source of all life-giving creation. We begin the cognizant journey of our birthright through a purification process as we meet the joys and challenges that arise out of the healing alignment between Spirit and matter. What a wondrous and inspiring spiritual pilgrimage as we begin to consiously understand the covenant of our birthright and the purpose of our lives on earth in this dynamic and critical time in Humanity's evolution.

Let us seek the probabilities of distinguishing the human brain from the ever transcending and ascending Spirit-Mind. The brain is a physical organ that serves the Human Being in experiencing the mortal physical, emotional and mental levels of third dimensional life-form. The brain is a functional instrument of multiple voluntary and involuntary processes. It can be analogized to a computer. The brain stores information, calculates, objectifies, formulates responses or reactions and is the hard-drive that seeks pleasure, fears pain and discomfort as it calculates the fruition of life experiences born of the soul.

The Transcendent Mind or the "non-local mind," is a separate yet inclusive entity known as the Creative Life Force. "Non-local mind" is pure consciousness, unqualified and full of potentiality. It works directly in conjunction with the physical processes of the brain, yet it is not the brain. The creative force, the "Transcendent Mind, is the blue-print of perfection that permeates the life-giving power of G-d, the Creator of All life and defines the omnipresent Divinity as the Light of our purest nature. This Light in all its beauty and glory is synonymous with the Mind, the Creative Source, the consciousness of G-d within Humanity.


All of nature, which includes sanctified Human, is the reflection of the Divine Presence. As the sanctified Human, we encounter, ponder and explore through the limitless Mind. What we begin to perceive with greater clarity is illuminated Knowledge that activates Spiritual Wisdom and Purifies all illusion. Living a life full of illusions separate us from the wedded Truth that all of life is connected and all of life is One with the Creator.

Is life a mystery or is it a remembering? Is it both? Is it neither? Can these mysteries be taught or must humanity experience the mystical to actually know the sacred? Are we receiving from the Mind in full clarity or are the experiences of life, the woundedness we carry, the fear that paralyzes and the doubt that falls prey to what I call our Brain Filter, leave all humanity in chaos and confusion?

The Brain Filter responds through the conscious and unconscious self-created life experiences that seem to loom so forebodingly across our lives and yet, in truth, we create experiences to learn, to expand and to reunite with Onesness. Our Brain Filters edge out the subtle yet greater power of the Mind and we find ourselves lost in a maze of confusion, illusion and living desperate lives without direction, purpose or prayer.

We are creative consciousness utilizing the brain as a tool for the Mind as we display both the positive and negative, depending upon our direct focus, concentration and either disciplined or chaotic thoughts, feelings and actions. We are G-d Consciousness. We are the reflective Light in H/Her image. We are Co-Creators through the free-will gift of the sacred Trinity of G-d, The Creator, G-d in Man, and G--d, The Holy Spirit.

The communion experience of the Trinity is Humanity's birthright. It is the responsibility (ability to respond) of all humanity, as we become aware, regardless of religion, spiritual practice, race, creed or colour to esteem the Trinity through the Oneness of this communion. The Triune Communion reflects the inclusiveness of G-d, Man and Spirit; the blessed fruit of 'The Tree of Life.' Seeking the powerful discharge of its scholarship within the hearts and minds of all beloved seekers is the method of esteem revealed.

Let us open our Spirit-Human senses to the world of regenerative life. Let us open our hearts to the profound awareness that we are more than mere flesh. 'We are the soul...' May we encounter consciously the mystical Mind. May we remember the covenant of the soul; the trinity of Truth that belays any and all separation that the "local mind," even in the attempts of the brain and the brain filter to convince us through third dimensional illusion, that it is real. The "non-local mind" is the expanded cosmic mind-space where the soul knows that the dimensions of life are limitless, boundless and eternal. The soul is forever seeking, transforming and transmuting for realignment with the wholeness of G-d. It is the integration of the Human-Soul with the Holiness of Spirit that instantaneously unveils and reveals the Truth of Life in the hearts and minds of uncommon thinking humanity.

To live a lifetime without the exploration of the Mind is to live in constant fear, as the brain is limited in its capabilities and yet functionally profound. Nevertheless, to live solely. in one dimensional brain is to waste the essence of Truth of who you are. You are Divine. You are Spirit-Human. You hold undeniable spiritual purpose and fusion. You are in consecrated process and at the same time in ultimate Perfection throughout eternity. The microcosmic human demonstrates its life giving potential in h/wholeness of the macrocosmic heavenly body. Identifying singularly with the physical and not recognizing the bounty of humanity's birthright as Divine, "human universalis," as coined by Barbara Marx Hubbard, is dismissing the value of life. In so doing, we create a life veiled from the Truth. It is the joy-filled discipline (discipleship) and conscious free-will (knowledge in action) to either remain veiled or to remove the illusion of separateness. We achieve this with love, gentleness, patience and compassion for our Humanity.

How else are we to remember the Sacred Self and live a life fulfilled in its Perfection? Socrates has taught through the ages to "know thyself." To deny the humanity within yourself is to deny the birthright of Spirit and to disown the very wholeness in which you strive to know. Acknowledge (act with knowledge) and "know thyself" as Spirit-Human; as eternal Mind and BeCome the BeLoved on earth as you are heavenly perfected, from above.


Are you ash upon the earth or are you conscious cosmic Mind that lives eternal? The cycle

of life awaits human awakening and transforms the most sincere atheist or doomsday fatalist into an ever budding lotus of creative Love and Inspiration; a Co-Creator with G-d. Is it the illusion of fear that we hold onto so convincingly when all the spiritual and scientific knowledge of contemporary and ancient society suggests consistently what the Holy Texts of

the World Religions and spiritual practices teach, that life is everlasting; that the temple or physical body breaks down and turns to ash, yet Spirit lives.. It is the essence of humanities evolutionary process from one century to the next, from one life to the next.

"There is no beginning and there is no end." This is the W/Holy Truth of Eternal Life. Why is this so difficult to accept, to know and to reveal in every day life experiences? Why is this? "...to those who are given, much is expected..." Is it the responsibility that holds us back? Is it a sense of worthlessness and fear of failure?

Do we look upon higher Mind as a burdening responsibility that we fear? What is it? We cannot be in-Love and in-fear, simultaneously, therefore one or the other must be an illusion and one or the other must be Living Truth. We each must individually answer these questions as the Truth, unveiled, will be unique to our G-d given individuality, soul experience, life expression, emotional esprit de corp and mindful agility.

Free will, itself, is a responsibility so many of us try to escape living openly and consciously. It seems too easy to blame others for the choices we make. The innate power of balance or imbalance that is offered to us through this potentially benevolent treasure of free will, cannot be ignored. Denial of this tremendous freedom is to create disruption and chaos; ignorance and fear. Ultimately, there is nowhere to hide. The consequences of every thought, feeling and action perpetuate the basic nature of free will. There are always consequences to our free will. Free will and the empowered responsibility we face require courage. When we face ourselves and accept the responsibilities of our life's creations, the seeking of our wholeness can no longer result in betrayal, no matter how hard we try. Wholeness cannot be embraced until we learn to understand and nurture the heavenly gift of free will. The bounty of spiritual empowerment received through accepting the personal freedom of free will becomes a sacred responsibility toward a renewed intimacy with all that is Holy. The Wholeness of the Universe awaits our coming. The remembrance of the Holy of Holies, recognizes Itself in the wholeness of the "All That Is." We are that h/wholeness. Remember the Trinity.

The Christian Bible shares that faith and belief in G-d is necessary to propel h/himself into eternal life. Faith and belief are essential keys to the heavens. It is a part of the wholeness in which we urgently seek, whether consciously or unconsciously, Yet, it is only the base steps on the majestic mountain we are climbing. Faith and unquestioning belief are merely embryonic steps on the path of spiritual knowledge and should not be confused with the end-all of Christian responsibility. Do not misunderstand my words, I am not suggesting that humanity is to follow one decidedly correct religion or faith and that one separate and particular congregation of people have the singular right-knowledge of G-d. It has been the impulse of humanity's lower nature from the genesis of the Christian Church to gain power and control with an elitist and fear-ridden agenda. Look at the breakout denominations and sects within the Christian Church and throughout all major religions. Learn to recognize man's ego structure that denies, defies and denounces the Human Spirit.. Learn for yourself where deceit lies and with love and compassion, transform and transmute this ego driven insanity into the well of spiritual alignment.


Whether you are called to the Christian Faith, Buddhist Faith, Jewish Faith, the Islamic Faith or any other religious or spiritual faith, G-d lives. Seek the knowledge within them all and discover for yourselves the fragrance of heavenly Light that weaves Truth in all Holy Texts of the World. You need not be a scholar nor do you need to study World Religions in depth, if this is not your calling.

Yet, a basic knowledge of the major religions and spiritual practices of the world will unify all people as G-d teaches the same wisdom throughout all major non-violent religious documents as well as the mystical experiences that shake up our world of conscious realities. The language may be different. The symbology may appear different, however, the essence remains consistently the same. The sum and substance of G-d speaks to Hearts and Minds without separation of race, creed or colour. We are of One race, the Human Race and it is to this remembrance that peace, compassion and eternal vitality thrives.

Reveal yourself, oh, Spirit-Human. Follow your Heart as it is aligned with consecrated Mind. Do not follow mindlessly and certainly do not follow another human, no matter how seemingly knowledgeable, competent or charismatic a presence. Meet your own powerful Presence. You will then 'know thyself' as knowledgeable, competent and charismatic. These are qualities of The Christ that live within you. Hone those qualities. Tune yourself to the vibrational frequencies that will lead the way toward world service. These qualities already exist. Unveil them. Develop them. Seek knowledge, wisdom and Truth within your own Holy Being and the intimacy of experiencing your blessed Self will build a foundation in which to be sanctified through Universal Christhood. Boldly go where few have tread and serve humanity with high consciousness through your beloved indwelling Spirit. The thread of Universal Spiritual Truth will be discovered when you allow for the expansion of knowledge through conscious willingness to explore, investigate, and question the grand covenant of G-d's promise, "...ask and you shall receive." Don't be afraid. Challenge the sacred promises of G-d within your Mind and throughout all religious texts. Ask with conviction and expectation. As you receive each piece of the mystical and scholarly puzzle, you will discover that each question and response requires another question and then another and another. Thus, the evolution of our Mind's awareness transcends level upon level of revelatory knowledge as we seek the h/wholeness of life within the Spirit of consecrated reality.


How many religious sects throughout the world have bellowed throughout the ages of their

righteousness in holding 'The Truth?' How many 'followers' have merely become sleepy

sheep without thinking Minds of their own? Remember to be lukewarm is to be spiritu

desolate and unfulfilled. It is better to be proactively and provocatively ignorant than to live without passion for Truth, whether we are able to hold it but for a moment and live it but for an instant. Discover your passions. Re-flame your inspirations. Question life and in so doing, you are no longer milk toast, aimlessly following what you do not "know" yet have blindly accepted.

If you are bored with life, you have lost your fire. The essence of your Spirit is not openly expressing Itself. You are Spirit. Rediscover your passions and your inspirations. Let your Mind Light the way. Imagine, Create, Inspire and Serve. These are the four major keys to the expansion of the Mind; your G-d Consciousness in action.

The Mind is a sacred place to live. The journey is a fountain of inspiration. There is no burden in creative service that pulsates through life-giving Spirit. There is no oppression as we freely take 'the yoke of The Christ' and seek to express this wondrous union with all life. When Master Jesus urges humanity to 'take the yoke of The Christ upon us,' He is not asking us to take on a weighty load upon our shoulders to grudgingly carry throughout eternity. He is teaching humanity to accept a conscious union with G-d in service to the Light. Jesus teaches over and over again, "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. YE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD." This is our birthright. Know yourself as 'the Light of the World' and know the lightness of true freedom.

The wisdom within the teachings of Master Jesus is asking all of Humanity to recognize, remember and respond to our Divine Birthright and become the Masters of Light; the spiritual leaders of the 21st Century. We are eternal Mind. May we each take upon us the liberating yoke of Life, whatever religious faith and spiritual practice(s) we cherish as our expression to the world. We are a "...point of Light within the Mind of God..." Take up the Cross of Ascension while laying to rest the Cross of Crucifiction and be Born to the Light of your Sacred Self. Embrace your birthright and BeCome the BeLoved.


Author Unknown

From the point of Light

within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into

the minds of men.

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love

within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.

May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men--

The purpose which the Masters know and


From the centre which we

call the race of men

let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love

and Power

restore the Plan on Earth.

July 1999 Copyright: A. James Hillelson; All Rights Reserved

Contact Ultimate Living Transformations at ajh7223@juno.com for Copyright Approval

Jim Hillelson is a Business and Leadership Coach with almost thirty years as an Executive in Hotel Management, a published author, seminar/workshop presentor and keynote speaker. He has a passion for service that brings enthusiasm and joy to those who welome him into their sphere of influence. Jim is presently offering a Free One Hour Business Consultation and/or a Free 30 Minute Coaching Session for business leaders, nationwide. If you are seeking excellence in your life with someone who will support your goals whether business or personal with enthusiasm and results then its time to contact him. Jim's knowledge and practical expertise will co-partner with you toward a rewarding life full of success with less stress. Contact Jim & Ultimate Living Transformations by sending an email at ajh7223@juno.com . Ask for Jim's "Welcome Packet" today!

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Mythologies Of The Solar System

The planets of the solar system are named after gods and goddesses and are known by their Roman, not Greek names. Here I'll put the Greek equivalents in brackets afterwards. The satellites of these planets for the most part tend to be the Greek names associated in one form or another with the parent body or the god/goddess in question. Moons (and major asteroids) are identified with an asterisk.

Now you need to understand that at the time of the ancient Roman or Greek pantheon, only eight of the solar system's celestial bodies were known. There were the three major bodies, the Sun, Moon, and Planet Earth itself of course (thus, way back then, you'd expect a mythological relationship between these three bodies), and the minor five visible planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn which were just points of light to the ancients, though it's not surprising the ancients matched celestial physics with the personalities of their gods and named them accordingly. Apart from our satellite, the Moon, no other moons were known to the ancients.


SOL (Helios) is obviously the god of the Sun. It surprises me that given the prominence and importance of this celestial object, our Sun, that the god of the Sun didn't take pride of place as head of the gods. Be that as it may, Sol, a first generation Titan, was born of the god Hyperion and the goddess Theia, brother to Luna (Selene) and Aurora or Dawn (Eos). His job is to bring light to men and gods alike. He rides in the sky in a fiery chariot pulled by his team of fast horses. Sol, from his vantage point, sees and hears everything (which proved to be the undoing of an illicit relationship between Mars (Ares) and Venus (Aphrodite). The god Apollo later fused as one with Sol's image though once they were two different deities. Sol's son, Phaethon, by the ocean nymph Clymene, once tried to ride his father's horse-drawn chariot, but lost control and had to be killed by Jupiter (Zeus) before the runaway Sun destroyed everything.

VULCAN (Hephaestus) was once upon a time actually sighted by astronomers and as the closest planet to the Sun, it would of course be HOT, and thusly was named after the deity of fire and blacksmithing. Alas, Vulcan turned out to be as mythical as the deity it was named after.

MERCURY (Hermes) when observed from Earth goes around the Sun quick-smart. So, it was natural to name that body after the fleetest of the gods, the messenger god who flies through the skies on a winged helmet and winged sandals, Mercury. No great mystery there.

VENUS (Aphrodite) was, because of its celestial purity of face and brightness, a female goddess, and of course THE female goddess was the goddess of love. Alas, Venus the planet turned out to be more appropriate for the Christian ruler of the underworld than the goddess of romance. Venus is Hell personified and thus the reality turned out to be vastly different than the expectation, but the ancients couldn't have known that back then. Venus (or Aphrodite) had an unusual birth, the offspring of Gaia, but fertilized by the blood/semen of Gaia's son and lover, Uranus, when Uranus was castrated by Saturn (Cronus).

*Neith was the name given to the lone phantom satellite of Venus. I say phantom because, like Vulcan, it was a case of 'now you see it, now you don't'. It vanished from the sight of astronomers across the world, but prior to that some saw something. That's water under the bridge now. The naming of the satellite Neith broke from tradition for Neith was the mysterious early Egyptian goddess of Sais. She was identified with war and hunting and the personification of the primordial waters of creation, though later on down the track she was associated with weaving, which is what Neith means. Wisdom was one of her strong points. She had no known male companion, so was known as a 'Virgin Mother Goddess'.

GAEA (Gaia) otherwise known as Terra or Earth was one of the original deities 'born' out of the original state of the universe - Chaos. Given the relative lack of bed partners around then, she mated with any and all available males, including her asexually created children, like Uranus.

*Luna (Selene) was born of the god Hyperion and the goddess Theia, sister to Sol (Helios) and Aurora or Dawn (Eos). Luna crosses the night sky on a chariot pulled by two white horses. As with Sol and Apollo, the Roman goddess Diana (Artemis) is often associated with, and has melded with Luna (as the crescent-shaped Moon) as has the goddess of the underworld, Hecate (as the New Moon). Luna remains as the Full Moon in the night sky.

MARS (Ares) son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Juno (Hera or Mrs. Zeus) was the god of war, though if mythology be believed, he was rather a wimp of a god, got his butt kicked on several occasions and was rather disliked up on Olympus.

*Deimos: Ares (the god of war) had an extramarital fling with the goddess of love, Aphrodite (who was married to the god of fire, Hephaestus) and from this union produced two sons, one being Deimos, meaning 'fear'.

*Phobos: That Ares and Aphrodite pairing also produced another son, Phobos, meaning 'terror'. Both Deimos and Phobos often joined daddy on the battlefield. However, apart from that, they play no significant role in mythology.

ASTEROIDS: There are only four really main or large asteroids among the tens of thousands that exist, Ceres, Pallas, Vesta and Juno.

*Ceres (Demeter) was the goddess of agriculture, the harvest, and the one who controlled the seasons. Zeus had a bedroom fling with her that resulted in Persephone, who Zeus then promised to his brother Hades as his wife. Alas, Zeus didn't inform either Persephone or Demeter about that decision, which had major repercussions down the track.

*Juno is Mrs. Jupiter, or in the Greek, the equivalent of Hera (Mrs. Zeus). In either case, Juno/Hera is the queen of all the gods and goddesses. She is perhaps noted most of all for her vindictiveness against some of the offspring produced by her husband's extramarital relationships, most notably, Hercules.

*Pallas is named after Pallas Athena, an alternative name for the Greek goddess Athena. In another version Pallas was the daughter of Triton, who acted as foster parent to Athena. A friendly fight between the two goddesses went sour and Pallas was killed.

*Vesta (Hestia) was the virgin goddess of the hearth and home or home fire, a real stay-at-home sort of deity and thus doesn't feature much in mythological adventures and doings. In the Roman version Vesta was represented by a shrine with an eternal flame guarded by the Vestal Virgins who, as a condition of their employment and of remaining alive, had better remain pure, or else. The god of war, Mars, raped one, and from that involuntary union, sprang the twins Remus and Romulus, the latter the founder of Rome.


JUPITER (Zeus) was king of the mountain - Mount Olympus that is. He, after a series of 'wars in heaven' (with the Titans) and on earth (with the Giants) and finally with the daddy of all monsters, Typhon, claimed the right to be worshiped as King of the Gods, by all lesser gods and goddesses, demigods and demigoddesses, as well as all of the great unwashed - the mortals comprising humanity. Apart from being fast on the draw with his trademark thunderbolts, he's most noted for being even faster on the draw with his private parts. No Mounties or bounty hunters ever perused their quarry better or with more determination than our always horny Jupiter/Zeus, as we shall see immediately below (though with over five dozen satellites, only a few can be entered into in this short essay).

*Amalthea: Jupiter (Zeus) as a young infant, was spirited and hidden away in Crete by his mother, Rhea from his daddy, Saturn (Cronus) because daddy didn't want any sons of his eventually growing up and challenging him for supreme power. Saturn thus kept them out of his harms way by swallowing them. Rhea saved the last (Jupiter) by trickery. Anyway, young Jupiter was reared and looked after by local nymphs on Crete, especially by Amalthea. She's also known for having a horn, the 'Horn of Plenty' a cornucopia that provided limitless food and drink for whoever possessed it.

*Ananke, the goddess of inevitability and personification of destiny, necessity and fate was the mother of the Moirai by Zeus. The Moirai, also known as The Fates, were the trio that spun the thread of life of mortals from birth to death and thus controlled everyone's destiny. Even Zeus was powerless against their will.

*Callisto was the daughter of the King of Arcady, and she had the misfortune to have Zeus fall for her. Callisto was associated with the virgin goddess Artemis. When Zeus raped Callisto, she got in a family way (in mythology, every rape results in a pregnancy otherwise there's no point to the rape in the first place). This rape ultimately produces a son, Arcas. Artemis, being the virgin, was livid and banished Callisto from any further association with her. Hera (Mrs. Zeus) in the meantime assumed Callisto was a willing partner to her wayward hubby and in revenge turned Callisto into a bear. Years later, Arcas, out hunting, ran across that bear and not realizing that it was mom, shot her dead. Zeus then placed Callisto into the zodiac as Ursa Major, the Great Bear (or the Big Dipper); Arcas ultimately got his place in the heavens too as the Little Bear (or the Little Dipper).

*Carme was the mother by Zeus (who else?) of the virginal huntress Britomartis, a Minoan or Cretan goddess. Carme assisted in the harvest of the grain.

*Elara was the mother of the giant, Tityos. Tityos was fathered by you know who - randy Zeus. Tityos met a bad end, killed on the behest of Hera by Artemis and Apollo, and forever tortured in Tartarus (a subdivision of Hades) by a couple of vultures who liked liver for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fortunately for the vultures, Tityos's liver kept regenerating so they never lacked for food.

*Europa was the daughter of a Phoenician king. Zeus got the hots for her and turned himself into a snow-white bull (gods can shape-shift; it's one of their major superpowers and that's no bull) and approached Europa in that form. Europa playfully climbs on the Zeus-as-bull's back. Zeus-the-bull then dives into the sea with Europa on his back and swims out to Crete. Once there he reverts back into his 'human' form and they made mad passionate love together and in the fullness of time Europa gave birth to triplets, one of which she named Minos. Zeus, ever thoughtful, also gave her some other gifts as well for her troubles. Europa ultimately married the king of Crete. Ultimately her son, Minos, assumed or claimed the throne. That's why Crete's ancient civilization is called the Minoan society. Europa is the only person having an entire continent named after them - Europe. As an aside, Europa is one of the few celestial bodies of interest to those on the lookout for potential sites where extraterrestrial life might exist.

*Ganymede: Abductions by the gods are by no means unknown or uncommon. In Greek mythology, a young handsome lad was Ganymede. He was abducted by Zeus, shape-shifted in the form of an eagle. Zeus favored the ladies, goddesses, demigoddesses, even mortal women, but for a catamite change of pace now and again... Ganymede was rewarded for his services by eternal youth and immortality, eventually placed in the sky as the constellation Aquarius. His daddy (Tros) was also compensated with a gift of fine horses.

*Himalia was a nymph who bore a trio of sons to Zeus or of course the Roman equivalent, Jupiter.

*Io was the daughter of the first king of Argos (what's it about kings and their daughters already - that plot device has reached its use by date). She of course caught the lustful eye of Zeus. Hera (Mrs. Zeus) got suspicious, so Zeus turned Io into a cow as a disguise. Hera (knowing full well what was afoot) of course assumed the cow was a gift for her from her hubby since he obviously had no use for a cow, so Zeus had no option but to agree that that of course was what he had intended all along. Hera then had the cow guarded by the multi-eyed giant Argus. Zeus, needing to get Io back, got Hermes (Mercury to the Romans) to kill Argus. Hera in revenge plagued Io-the-cow with a hornet. Finally a truce was called. Zeus promised to behave (pull the other one) and Io was reverted back to human form and reunited with her worried daddy - the king.

*Leda was of course the daughter of a king, and in turn married a king, in this case a king of Sparta. Zeus, of course, took a shine to Leda, and took the form of a swan and flew into Leda's arms seeking 'protection' from another predatory bird - that's his story and he's sticking to it. Anyway, somehow or other (Zeus may have turned her into a goose) this cuddle made Leda pregnant and from this pregnancy she gave birth - she laid an egg, obviously! The egg hatched and out popped beautiful Helen. Helen, later known as Helen of Troy, was the face that launched a thousand ships (and then some). This was Zeus's contribution to the Trojan War. In another version, the egg was the union between Zeus and the goddess of revenge, Nemesis. They gave the egg to Leda to hatch and raise the offspring up as her own. Leda had another child by Zeus - one of a pair of twins actually, Castor (by Zeus) and Pollux (by her husband) but known as the 'Boys of Zeus' or the 'Heavenly Twins' who eventually sailed with Jason as part of the Argonaut crew.

*Lysithea was the daughter of Oceanus (a Titan, product of Gaia and Uranus) and one of Zeus's many, many lovers.

*Pasiphae was the wife of King Minos of Crete, who, via a rather strange mating arrangement gave birth to the Minotaur. The rather remote connection to Jupiter is that Jupiter's brother, Neptune, was behind all of this. Neptune was offended because Minos didn't offer up as a sacrifice to Neptune a favorite bull, so in retaliation, Neptune saw to it that Minos's wife became infatuated with, and lusted after a bull, the offspring being that well known hybrid, the Minotaur.

*Thyone was once known as Semele, a lover of Zeus, who produced as offspring Dionysus, the god of wine and all around fun times. When Semele died as a result of Zeus revealing to her his true appearance - all the result of Hera's trickery - and went to Hades, Dionysus rescued her from the underworld and brought her to Olympus, made her into a goddess along with providing the change of name.

SATURN (Cronus) was one of those first generation Titans, offspring of Gaia and her son Uranus. He mated with Rhea, and produced from that union the original half-dozen gods and goddesses that would eventually become the Olympians. But the transition from Saturn's offspring to become the rulers of Mount Olympus was an epic that could just about out-epic anything Hollywood has ever done. Saturn is known for two things in particular - castrating his daddy and snacking on his kids - Yum, yum.

*Dione is a very obscure goddess who may have been a Titan or a Nereid or an Oceanid. Her name seems to be a feminine form of Zeus, and that brings in the alternative version of the origin of Aphrodite - a traditional birth via the union of randy Zeus and Dione (whoever she was). At least she's now immortalized as a satellite of Saturn.

*Enceladus was one of the Gigantes. The Gigantes were offspring of Gaia, fertilized by the blood/semen of her son and lover Uranus who was ultimately castrated by Cronus (a son of Gaia and Uranus back when he had his private parts intact). In the Gigantomachia (the battle between the Olympian gods and the giants), Athena deposited Enceladus under Mount Etna and the fire and brimstone breath of Enceladus accounts for that volcano's well, fire and brimstone. This is another abode thought as a possible site where alien life forms might one day be discovered.

*Hyperion was a Titan god, born of Gaia (Gaea) and her son, Uranus. He would become an early god of the Sun.

*Iapetus was another Titan god, born of Gaia (Gaea) and her son, Uranus. He would become the father of Prometheus, who ultimately is remembered for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to mankind.

*Janus was the Roman god of beginnings, doorways, entrances, gateways, etc. and is depicted with two faces, one each facing forward (to the future) and the other backward (to the past). January, the beginning, is named after him.

*Mimas, like Enceladus, was one of the Gigantes of Greek mythologies. Like the other giant sons of Gaia and Uranus, Mimas had serpents for legs and was born fully armored. Mimas was slain by Hephaestus during the war against the Olympians by a volley of molten iron.

*Phoebe was a Titan goddess, born of Gaia (Gaea) and her son, Uranus. Phoebe is identified as an early moon goddess. In another context, the goddess Artemis sometimes was associated with an alias of Phoebe. Finally, Helen of Troy had a half-sister Phoebe.

*Rhea was another Titan goddess, born of Gaia (Gaea) and her son, Uranus. She married Cronus (Saturn) and from that union was born what ultimately became the original half-dozen Olympian gods and goddesses. Cronus, out to eliminate potential future rivals, swallowed the first five of these kids, but Rhea tricked him when it came to the sixth and last, Zeus. She spirited Zeus away to Crete to be raised, and tricked Cronus into swallowing a stone disguised as the baby Zeus.

*Tethys was yet another Titan goddess, born of Gaia (Gaea) and her son, Uranus who would become the most ancient goddess of the sea.

*Titan is the largest moon of Saturn, a moon of interest to astrobiologists, and the only natural satellite to have an extensive atmosphere. In fact, Titan is larger than the planet Mercury and way lager than our own satellite, Luna. The mythology connection is that the original dozen Titans (some of which are named satellites of Saturn) were one of a set of offspring between Gaia and Uranus. Among the second generation of Titans are several household names like Atlas and Prometheus. They were overthrown in the Titanomachy (The War of the Titans) by Zeus and his fellow Olympians.

URANUS (alternative spelling Ouranos) was the original sky god, the son, via parthenogenesis, of Gaea (Gaia) who shacked up with mum to produce all manner of deities, including monstrous ones. He's known for having his privates sliced off by one of their Titan offspring, Saturn (Cronus). Saturn in turn got done like a dinner by one of his offspring, Jupiter (Zeus) but that's another story.

*Ariel, Miranda, Oberon, Titania and Umbriel, the five major moons of Uranus, were named or chosen from the names of characters from the works of Shakespeare and Alexander Pope and thus, unfortunately, have near bugger-all to do with traditional Greek and Roman mythology. Bummer, as that spoils some potentially good stories relating back to and involving the parent god, Uranus.

NEPTUNE (Poseidon) was the god of the sea, one of the original half-dozen Olympian gods and goddesses, brother to Zeus, Hades, Hera, Hestia and Demeter. All of Neptune's known 13 satellites are named for Green and Roman water deities or groups of minor water gods. The major two are Nereid and Triton.

*Nereid - the Nereids (plural) were nymphs of the sea, the 50 daughters of the Mediterranean Sea god Nereus. Among the famous of the Nereids - goddess all - were Thetis (mother of Achilles), Galatea and Amphitrite (who married Poseidon).

*Triton was another sea god, a son of Poseidon and the Nereid goddess Amphitrite, a nymph of the sea who became Queen of the Sea when she wed Poseidon. The typical depiction of Triton is that of a merman - human head and torso; one or two fishy (or maybe dolphin) tails. He too has a trident and a conch shell which when blown can calm the stormy waves. Like father, like son, Triton also had a bit of an eye for the ladies, especially beach-babes. Triton favors in a positive light for assisting Jason and the Argonauts in their saga.

PLUTO (Hades) was god of the underworld. In the Greek version, Hades (the god) administered Hades (the underworld), so the name of the ruler and the place ruled were one and the same. Within recent times, Pluto was officially downgraded from planet to dwarf planet status, which made a lot of traditionalists very unhappy.

*Charon was the son of Erebus (the god of underground darkness) and Nyx (goddess of night), who played the role of the ferryman who rowed the newly deceased across the River Styx to Hades, the underworld. As a reward, or a fare, he got a coin in payment - no coin, no crossing. The parentage and place of employment are ideal for a satellite so far out from the Sun.

*Hydra (discovered in 2005) was named after that famed beastie slain by Hercules as one of his dozen labors in Greco-Roman mythology. Hydra was one of numerous monstrous offspring from Typhon and Echidna, themselves monsters.

*Nix (a deliberate alternative spelling of Nyx) was a Greek goddess of night, one of the original deities conceived from the original state of the universe, Chaos. Nyx was the mother of Charon. Like Hydra, Nix the satellite was discovered in 2005.

ERIS is another dwarf planet, a trans-Neptunian object even larger that Pluto discovered in 2005. In fact it's the most massive of all dwarf 'planets' in our solar system, even though it's three times farther removed from the Sun than Pluto. Eris is a Greek goddess, the personification of strife and discord.

*Dysnomia in mythology is the daughter of the goddess Eris.

NEMESIS (Fortuna was the Roman counterpart) was the asexual product of the goddess Nyx (night) and she was the goddess of retribution and agent of vengeance. Originally she was just one who dispensed fortune or luck without predetermined rewards or punishments, but morphed into a goddess of justice. The 'Wheel of Fortune' is thus associated with her. The celestial Nemesis is a hypothetical dwarf star binary companion to our Sun, a faint stellar object that has an extreme elliptical orbit that beings it close to the solar system once every 26 million years, which when extrapolated backwards, was useful in explaining periodic mass extinctions on Earth. Alas, all searches for this dwarf companion star have turned up negative, and the hypothesis is pretty much in scientific limbo today.

Science librarian; retired.

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2012年6月26日 星期二

Track Lighting is Versatile and Highly Configurable

Track lighting runs on metal tracks along ceilings and walls and that is where it gets its name. Light heads or lamps are attached to this track. The malleability of these metal tracks is an advantage to homeowners who want to install their lighting systems for the first time or reconfigure their existing ones.

In track lighting systems you can focus the light on any object that you want to highlight. A variable number of light fixtures can be installed along the track where electric current will flow. You can easily change the positioning of the tracks; in addition you can create a single track if that is all that you require or you can have multiple tracks if you want more light. You can add more tracks at any time and point the lights in different directions.

How Interchangeable Are System Components?

You have to be careful that all of the parts that you wish to interchange are made by the same company, or the manufacturer may not honor their product guarantee.

However, purchasing a system made under the Halo, Juno, or Lightolier standards will allow you to use components from different makes if they are all under the same standard. Replacement parts of a track system must also be of the same standard.

Note that light bulbs are an exception, as they can be made by different manufacturers and still be able to be mixed and matched with the other components.

Being able to use components from different manufacturers is a great advantage because you can choose from a wider range of models with different colors and features.

Connecting Your Lights

There are different track sizes and electrical connections to suit every room. One thing you need to be very clear about is where to position your track lights. This is needed for reasons of beauty and practicality.

You can feed your track lights to an electrical outlet or a connector, although plugging into a wall outlet may be unsightly. Using an electrical connector that is hidden in your ceiling is definitely a cleaner way to do it, though it may require a bit more work.

Ernest Jarquio is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Residential Lighting review articles. He provides more resources for home owners who are looking for tips and hints on the best lighting equipment available in the market, including informative reports on topics such as Portfolio light fixtures from Portfolio Lighting that you can research on his website even while lounging in your living room.

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Nightmares and Fear of the Dark - 5 Tips To Help Your Child Get Through The Night

Just as you've gotten into a nice sleep routine with your child, you find yourself face to face with the next groggy stage in development - fear of the dark and nightmares! Is your toddler terrified of being left alone in the dark and waking up with nightmares in the middle of the night? Don't fret! Fear of the dark and bad dreams are quite common among toddlers who are still separating reality from their vivid imaginations.

Here are some tips on how you can help your toddler get through this rough time:

1. For the time being, avoid any books, movies, and television that depict things that could upset or scare your child.

2. Provide your child with an extra light source such as a nightlight. A nightlight will help your little one see their surroundings (and realize that there are no monsters lurking about) - whether they're trying to fall asleep or are suddenly woken up by a frightening dream.

3. Give your child some sort of talisman - something that makes them feel safe and protected. A favorite stuffed animal can help stand guard and protect them while they're sleeping.

4. Create a cozy and fun bedtime routine that makes going to bed more enjoyable. Have a fun bubble bath, read some sweet stories, and sing some soothing songs. Routine provides comfort.

5. Most importantly, always acknowledge your child's fear. Although you think it might be helpful to tell them that there's nothing to be scared of, this can feel unsupportive to a toddler. Their fears are very real. Share some stories of how you used to have nightmares or fears of the dark when you were a child. Tell them that you completely understand their fears - that the dark can be a scary place. And don't forget that all important "monster check" before bed. Checking under the bed together can go a long way!

And if you're looking for the friends at Juno Baby to help your little one through the night, feel free to check out Way to Go, Juno (http://www.junobaby.com/product.php?catid=8). Filled with phobia-facing fun, Way to Go, Juno is designed to help toddlers and infants deal with some common fears and concerns.

Belinda Takahashi, Ph.D. is a mother, an award-winning composer, educator, and co-founder of the children's media company, Juno Baby (http://www.junobaby.com) and writer for the Juno Baby Blog (http://www.junobaby.typepad.com). Originally from New York City, she now resides in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Music Review of Elephant Shell by Tokyo Police Club

"Tokyo Police Club" are a four-piece Canadian indie rock band from Newmarket, Ontario. Tokyo Police Club were formed in 2005 and they are Dave Monks (Vocals and Bass), Josh Hook (Guitar), Graham Wright (Keyboards) and Greg Alsop (Drums). Their musical genres are mainly indie rock, garage rock and post-punk revival.

Elephant Shell has a good opening with "Centennial". In the few seconds upon opening, you can hear the sound of a malfunctioned robot. The robot might be stuck or jammed somewhere, i thought to myself. Shortly, the draggy keyboard and Dave Monks just come in. Centennial is not a fast tempo track, but the guitar and bass seem to be able to work this track out. In the bridge, handclaps joining by keyboard, just come in for a brief second. And that might be one of the best moments on Centennial. At the end, i like Dave Monks goes, "I'm only wishing well, though you won't believe me, this coming Thursday evening, is our centennial..." and succeeded by wedding-like keyboard. A short opening, but i'm convinced to find out more about Tokyo Police Club.

"In A Cave" starts with guitar that comes in from afar before joining by In A Cave's core bassline. Before Dave comes in, the music is already really good. When it comes to the chorus where Dave again goes, "All my hair grows in, wrinkles leave my skin, but still, don't fade... I'll be back again when the tide is in some day...", the keyboard suddenly enters and the rest of Tokyo Police Club can be heard helping Dave out in the background. The second verse gets even fiercer with the guitar and bass, but somehow it's not loud. It still manages to sound light and effortless. The best bet on In A Cave is definitely the remaining 1 minute after the second chorus. Dave just struts his stuff, "Elephant shell, you're my cave and I've been hiding out, will you tell me a little bit about, a bit about yourself?" and joining him are the guitar, bass, drums and keyboard which play in notes that we first heard in the beginning. Only this time, Tokyo Police Club add some magic to it! Impressive stuff by Tokyo Police Club here!

From the lyrics of "Graves", it sounds like a script of a horror movie. "Pack your ashes pack a watch, change of clothes and a face cloth, meet me where your mother lies, we'll dig graves on both her sides..." The guitar keeps playing in a loop once Graves opens before the drums, bass and keyboard come in all together. A sudden adrenaline rush! Graves is one of those tracks that don't really have a chorus and relies on the music to drag it or make it a longer track. After Dave's vocals on the second verse, it feels like Tokyo Police Club are having a short break by playing the music. They really do have a strong liking for keyboards. Nearing the end, Dave just sing to the end accompanied by a howl-like sound that comes on and off.

"Juno" has some drum beats going on. As Dave sings in the chorus, it looks like there's a sound in the background which i think is produced by the instrument Xylophone, adding some Christmas feel to it. Reaching the chorus, Juno seems to be turning to keyboard to go along with Dave's vocals, "You and your soapy eyes, called it off so late at night, but your hand's on your heart, because your head's always right..." The Xylophone also plays its part here on a few notes that really complement the chorus. As Juno goes on, it ends on a sudden and tired note, "Juno, you're tired..." But i'm just getting started to know Tokyo Police Club.

"Tessellate" has some high and sharp pitched guitar in the beginning. Just as Dave sings each phrase of the verse, the keyboards which possess some catchy ingredients just come in at the right time to make sure we as listeners are having a good time listening to Tessellate. In the chorus, Dave sings with his already-known voice, "... Dead lovers salivate, broken hearts tessellate tonight..." Tokyo Police Club show some effort here by adding hand claps along side to Dave's voice. The real deal on Tessellate is definitely the sound of the keyboard which always never fails to capture my attention as it's too good. And at times, it sounds like a piano. Now i just can't get the sound of it off my head.

"Sixties Remake" kicks off with some crunchy guitar opening that reminds me of those motorcycles engine on the highway. As this song goes and reaches a point where an exclaimation of "Hey" can be heard, i already knew Sixties Remake is one of the tracks that is going to be my favourite on Elephant Shell. The crunchy guitar is one of the factors that keeps Sixties Remake so good. In the chorus, Dave just goes, "Hey! Bat your lips, shut your eyes... Hey! Swing those chains, and start a fight, because you've got nerve, but we've got tapped..." This has got to be one of the loudest and crunchiest tracks on the album.

"The Harrowing Adventures Of..." has me thinking that this is one of the tracks that might be suitable for babies. The xylophone just plays in notes that will make all babies in the world smile upon listening to it. It's not long before Dave enters the bay twilight zone, "The harrowing adventures of, you and I when we were captains of, submarines made of steel..." When it got to the point that sounds like a chorus, acoustic guitar can be heard playing in a way that blend in so well with the vocals of Dave and xylophone. Two string instruments which sounded like a cello and a violin can also be heard here. I really didn't expect that to come, but Tokyo Police Club surprise me here. The Harrowing Adventures Of... is undefiantly cute and cheeky in its own way. It will gulp you down slowly.

"Nursery, Academy" is a short rock track that i find Dave sings on different notes in a few minutes. In the beginning, Dave can be heard singing, "I would've gone back home, i would've gone back home, it's bad enough you're here and it's worse that you've come along..." Smart lyrics i thought. This song begins to pick up in a short while once the bass comes in. Keyboardist Graham must have worked very hard here as the keyboard is all over the place with different notes. Tokyo Police Club are trying very hard on this track to make it sounds as good as possible. I can feel that they work very hard on this track.

"Your English Is Good" has Tokyo Police Club choiring, "Oh, give us your vote, give us your vote, if you know what's good for you..." before the whole track sounds very full as the music comes in all together. Your English Is Good is cheeky and cute with the keyboard playing in repetition in the same notes throughout the track. Everytime the keyboard enters, a smile appears on my face. Tokyo Police Club also go together with, "Because your English is good, we can see it in your bones, in this neighborhood, we ain't driving you home..." With such title, Your English Is Good will definitely catch everyone's attention in the tracklist section. Plus another good thing is the cute keyboard and choir that are in this track. Sweet and cute!

"Listen To The Math" has a slow opening where Dave's voice seems to be the music here. The keyboards and bass add some weight to Dave's singing as he's into the second part of the first verse. Once it gets to the chorus, it feels light with the guitar. "It's a ruse, it's a laugh, experts they'd agree, listen to the math..." Shortly after the chorus, the guitar switches to a chrunchier note that seems to be able to add some extra effects and weights to Listen To The Math. Another mention is the deep background voice that comes in during the chorus. It just follows Dave's singing in the background. Listen To The Math can regarded as a ballad that will stick to you like a fungus after a few listens.

As the last track on Elephant Shell, "The Baskervilles" has some moments on it that stands out. The choiring moments by Tokyo Police Club is worth mentioning and appear on some parts of the song and never fail to create an impact on the listeners. They would go, "Alright, we tried to help..." As we get further into The Baskervilles, the track starts to pick up and the music just sounds as lively as ever. The guitar and keyboards work their way out here. Even nearing the end, Dave increases his singing tone and yell, "A toast to the last of a dying breed, they're crawling back to bed, they're falling back to sleep" to the end. A very strong finish by Tokyo Police Club.

Darren Tan [http://www.indiesurf.com] is a huge avid fan of indie music, indie bands and indie artists. Since he was 17 years old, he started to fall in love with the indie music scene. It was a total turning point in his life for him as he no longer look at the indie music industry the same since.

With Indiesurf.com [http://www.indiesurf.com] he wants to share his thoughts, comments, reviews and opinions on the latest (and past/old) indie music, indie bands and indie artists with the world and you. You are also invited to share your views as well, so he'll see you at Indiesurf.com.

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2012年6月25日 星期一

Top Tips on Using Flexible Track Lighting Systems

Compared to rigid, pendulum or jointed sectional track lighting, flexible track lighting is the most versatile and customizable way to light up a room or display. It can dangle from way up on cathedral-high ceilings, cut a wide swath across bare walls, hang loose from rafters and beams. You can bend and re-bend the tracks, attach swing arm or adjustable lighting fixtures onto them to suit your specific design needs. What's more, these tracks are easy to install and friendly-priced.

Use flexible track lighting to reach knotty spots and awkward corners when adding depth to a small, crowded, low-ceilinged, monochromatic or any other room. You can curve the tracks to spirals, S shapes, waves or light waves to extend to areas where rigid tracks can not. You can mix and match incandescent, energy-efficient and halogen light bulbs to provide ambience or functionality.

Buy flexible track systems to boost the dramatic flair of architectural detailing, like with art deco, decor and complex works of art, like sculpture, mixed media and installation art. Complement the palette of your interiors in an array of track finishes such as brass, bronze, chrome and steel as well as lighting tones like amber, emerald, frosted, warm or cool white.

Choose from pre-assembled systems or do-it-yourself kits, which you can connect or plug into an electric outlet easily. Name brands like Halo, Lightolier Lytespan, Juno, WAC, Hampton Bay, ProTrack and Elco will have complete to state-of-the-art flexible track lighting systems, or you can buy track components like track heads and connectors separately.

Derek Larusso is an expert on Flexible Track Lighting. Please visit his site at http://www.flexible-track-lighting.com for more info.

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In Conversation with Juno Award-Winning Canadian Fiddler Shari Ulrich

Juno Award-winning singer/songwriter/instrumentalist Shari Ulrich and I have "bumped" into each other several times this past few months. In true musician's spirit I've worn several hats in our dealings.

Our first meeting was of a business nature. She emailed when her violin bow broke and she was seeking to purchase a carbon fibre model from my violin shop in time for a gig. I then contacted Shari under the auspices of the Shuswap Violin Society, a non-profit group promoting fiddle music. Shari was invited to join as an Honourary Lifetime Membership with our group and graciously accepted, adding "Well how can a girl turn that down?!?!? I would be honoured!"

Soon after I learned our local Music Society was hosting a "Songwriter's Cafe" where Shari was joined by John Mann (Spirit of the West), Norman Foote and Babe Gurr. I would finally have the opportunity to meet her in person and don my freelance writer's hat.

After a riveting and highly entertaining concert Shari and I chatted about music, motherhood, fiddles and other important stuff.

Rhiannon Schmitt: What was your motivation or a goal you had in mind when you first started playing violin? Had you seen a concert and been inspired or was it simply out of the blue?

Shari Ulrich: I grew up in the US - in Northern California where music was a program in the schools. In Grade 3 we were asked what instrument we wanted to play and given a little demonstration. My girlfriends and I all chose violin so we could be in the class together... very typical young girl motivation.

RS: That's interesting, my violin beginnings were almost exactly the same: a school orchestra program in San Diego, California. Now.. to dig out some dirt on you. Did your mother ever have to nag you to practice? Or was music just your special thing you were always dedicated to?

SU: Practicing was ALWAYS my nemesis - even today, though I recall doing LOTS of it. And yes, from time to time my mother said the same thing to me that I hear myself saying to my daughter - "There's no point in paying for lessons if you're not going to practice". (Which of course is TRUE). But in fact, my mother didn't nag me - nor do I nag my daughter - but neither could resist that remark. Later, in my early 20's, I had a period of earnest study for a few years.

RS: Regarding "young girl motivations," I know my violin practice was neglected when I had a boyfriend. Did boys ever get in the way of your music?

SU: Ha! No, I'd say boys have always been a great asset to my music because I've virtually always had partners who were musicians! But in my teenage years I don't recall it being a conflict.

RS: So when did you first decide to become a professional musician or did it just happen?

SU: I came to Canada when I was about 19 - searching for what I was supposed to do with my life - my calling. Then I started playing with other musicians - doing this thing that had always been SO second nature to me that I never thought of it as a career. THEN the light went on and I realized MUSIC was MY THING.

RS: Were there ever times when you didn't think you had what it would take to become a professional musician?

SU: No - I've always known it to my core. But there have certainly been times that I felt under educated and not a good enough sight reader to be a TRUE professional musician, like my partner Bill is, who can sight read and play anything. I have my limitations. But my imagination doesn't.

RS: What do you do to overcome musical "slumps?"

SU: My slumps have been more getting weary of pushing the rock up the hill, because being a musician means creating your life every single day. And I had a vision for myself that entailed my music reaching a wider audience than it has because as I got older, my opportunities for industry support diminished. But knowing to my soul that music is what I'm meant to create and play and breathe has never taken a dip.

RS: Who was your biggest motivation, violin-wise, when you grew up?

SU: Hmm... I guess Stephan Grappelli though I couldn't play that style - Itzhak Perlman, hmmm... I can't say that I had a role model who inspired me.

RS: They're two of my idols too, and really lofty ones at that! The Juno Award in 1981 for Most Promising Female Artist, did you expect that?

SU: I couldn't say I "expected" it, but I certainly hoped it would happen. Winning is always a thrilling experience no matter what it is.

RS: What went through your mind as you accepted it?

SU: How cool it was that Bob and Doug McKenzie presented it! How badly I didn't want to screw up my speech. RS: What did that award help you accomplish in years to come, or was it not a big deal to you?

SU: Yes it was a big deal, and looks great in the bio. It enhances opportunities but doesn't guarantee anything.

RS: You said motherhood was a challenge to balance with your career in the early days of infanthood and childhood. How did you balance it all and what helped you through those years raising your daughter?

SU: I took Julia everywhere with me - and started touring again when she was 6 weeks old - and worked more in that year than I ever had. It really bonded us. So it didn't effect my work life, but the focus of being a mother is utterly compelling and consuming - there is a choiceless-ness about it.

But I think what is impossible to hang on to is the creative drive that comes from time alone, which is never the same after having a child. The alone time is what drives my creativity, and after a child comes, even if you steal an hour here or there, it is just that - stolen time between duties rather than open ended stream of consciousness uninterrupted time.

Her Dad was a HUGE asset to it all working though. I was/is a fantastic parent and he was totally capable of being the stay at home guy the odd time that I didn't take her - 3, 4, 5 days at a time. He was amazing.

RS: Julia plays violin and has to study with another teacher and sometimes I think teaching my own son to play violin isn't a good idea. Why do you think children have to study with someone other than a parent?

SU: Oh, I wouldn't characterize it as "has to". I just knew that it wouldn't be good for our relationship - or for her opportunity to learn. And we have one of, I think, the best violin teachers on Bowen Island - Alison Nixon.

So I was happy to have her study with someone so great and not have the extra load of seeing her through learning an instrument. Plus, knowing how to play doesn't mean you're a great teacher, and I don't think I would have been a good teacher.

RS: If Julia or anyone else you know and care for wanted a life as a professional musician, what would your advice to them be?

SU: Do it because you LOVE it. Have a clean ego. Think of the audience as your ally. I know someone who doesn't actually like to perform because it triggers his insecurity - he feels resentment of the audience - that they are judging him - and who are they to judge him! That's unfortunate.

Be honest and authentic with your unique voice. Don't let "the industry" determine whether you have a career.

RS: Do you think it's possible to make a good living in gigging, or would you encourage such an individual to also consider teaching or another job as backup?

SU: I think it's good to surrender to it. Which means accepting that there is no real security, but having faith that your talent will provide for you. But teaching is a good back up income to have.

RS: Is it a life only select individuals have what it takes to make it work?

SU: Hmmm....I'd say so, yes.

RS: You've been teaching a Lyrics Course at UBC. How's that working out?

SU: I LOVE it. I love the kids - the process - and having my first regular paycheck!

RS: Are you considering settling down as a Prof someday and leaving the life of a traveling musician?

SU: I would never want to leave performing live, and couldn't imagine that ever being necessary. But I'd love to keep doing this job for awhile! I can't see myself ever really settling for just one path.

RS: Finally, tell me about your violin or violins.

SU: It's a German violin that I picked up in Victoria when my childhood one was stolen on route to my first Valdy and the Hometown Band gig in Victoria - it had been given to me by a Great Aunt when I'd won a smalls scholarship in Grade 7. It broke my heart, and I still search for it in stores.

For many years I played a white Barcus Berry electric. Regular body, but it sounded pretty grim acoustically. Then I went back to my "real" violin when I realized how much better it sounded.

RS: What would your dream violin sound like?

SU: Hmmm - like the one I play. My dream would be more about my own playing and tone. My dream would be to be a better player and be able to make any violin sound heartbreakingly beautiful.

RS: Shari, you're so great! Thank you for being an inspiration to so many and for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. I hope we see each other again soon.

**Rhiannon Schmitt (nee Nachbaur) is a professional violinist/fiddler and music teacher who operates Fiddleheads Violin School & Shop. She and the business have won several distinguished young entrepreneur business awards. The shop offers beginner to professional level instruments, accessories and supplies for very reasonable prices: Visit http://www.fiddleheads.ca

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Des Plaines Office Space


The Cook County city of Des Plaines offers a great locale for commercial business owners hoping to open up a store or lease commercial office space. Located not too far from Chicago, those who open up shop in Des Plaines can benefit from both the local customers as well as those in surrounding areas, including Chicago.

About the Residents

The village residents enjoy all of the wonderful things which the city offers them. The population of the city was at 58,720 during the 2000 census. Household median income was $53,638 and it was $65,806 for a family. Those who live here often work local but may sometimes commute to the city for jobs as well.

Business Atmosphere

This village is nestled amongst many popular thruways such as I-90 and I-290 and is close to the O'Hare International Airport. This allows company owners who lease or purchase commercial office space in here to get customers in from all directions. Since many clients will be driving to your place of business, it is important to ensure that they can reach you with ease. The Metra and Pace offer public transportation options to those who prefer to travel this way. Air travel is also nearby with the two international airports of the Chicago area.

Other Businesses

There are many big name businesses as well as small privately-owned companies in this town. Some of the popular businesses include UOP, Holy Family Medical Center, Juno Lighting, Sysco and Abbott Molecular. Some businesses purchase property within the city while others choose to lease their commercial office space.

Things to Do

Whether one enjoys the outdoors or prefers indoor activities, there is something for all to do in this village. The McDonald's Museum is a unique place to visit and there is the Rivers Casino opening up in the summer of 2011. Outdoor enthusiasts will love the Des Plaines Forest Preserve, the Des Plaines Park District and the Mt. Prospect Park District.

Dining and Shopping Options in Des Plaines

This village is filled with great restaurants and shopping venues. For food, the choices are plentiful indeed. From American cuisine to exquisite ethnic foods, you are bound to find the ideal spot to eat a good meal. The shopping in town is also inclusive. No matter whether you need groceries, clothing, home improvement items or other types of goods and services, you can find it in this city.

Tom Koelzer, Expert Author and Partner at Tenant Advisors, Inc. represents the interests of office space tenants in the search and negotiations for office space. For help with Chicago office space for rent or Chicago office space for lease, please go to http://tenantadvisors.com/

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2012年6月24日 星期日

Choosing the Correct Light Bulb for Recessed Can Lighting

Choosing the correct light bulb for recessed can lighting can be a daunting task. If you aren't familiar with light bulbs and all the different types it's hard to know where to start. Most folks simply replace burnt out bulbs with what they pull out. Others go to the local hardware store and just buy what "looks" right on the shelf. With a simple analysis, you can choose for yourself what the best light bulb for your application is by splitting out the choices that need to be made.

Obviously, the easiest way to replace light bulbs in your recessed can lights is to pull out the old one and simply purchase that same bulb. If you don't have that as an option, follow the below steps to choose the correct light bulb.

Key Abbreviations to Understand:

I'm going first outline the main letters that you'll see on your current bulb or in your can fixture and what they mean. 40W (or any number followed by a W) = 40 Watt; R16 or BR16 or PAR20 (There are many of these. Most start with a letter or a few letters and are followed by a number) = these are bulb shapes; 120V or 130V (This may or may not be stipulated) = Indicates voltage.

List from Fixture:

Your first step should be to look inside your can fixture. Most will have a sticker on it that will outline about a half a dozen of options that can be used in that specific fixture. I.E. 40W R16

Best Style for your Baffle, Lense or Reflector:

Next, go to the website of the manufacturer that made your can fixture. The 3 major manufacturers are Cooper Halo Lighting (www.haloltg.com), Juno Lighting (www.junolighting.com) and Lithonia (www.lithonia.com). Around the edge of your can you will have what is known as a baffle, lense or reflector (trim). This is a separate piece you will find in your can. Each manufacturer will have their recommended light bulbs to use that will maximize the effectiveness of your particular baffle, lense or reflector. Find this under their "specifications" sheet attached to your particular attachment.

Decide if you want a Spot or Flood:

Some light bulbs like Halogen PAR shaped light bulbs will come two ways: Spot lights or Flood lights. The progression goes from Spot to Flood to A19 which lights up in all directions. Most spots light an area up to 20 degrees in width. Most choose these if they want to light up art work or focus on a mantel or something similar. A flood generally goes from 25 degrees to 60 degrees in swath of light. Then an A19 lights up tan entire area. But not all fixtures are made to have A19 light bulbs in them permanently. In most cases, you'll want flood light bulbs.

What Color of Light do you want?

If you are looking at Compact Fluorescents, you will sometimes have an option of color. And I don't mean pink vs. white. I mean the color of the light that is emitted. If your compact fluorescent says that the color temperature is 2700K, the light will be a soft white color. If it says that it is a 5000K, it will be more of a blue-ish white light.

Type of Light Bulb:

The last thing you'll need to decide is the type of bulb you will want. The main types of light bulbs that people use are Incandescent, some sort of long life incandescent, halogen and compact fluorescent light bulbs. I'm not going to go into the differences in them all here as that is a whole different conversation. Regardless, many times you will have the option to use any of these types of light bulbs in your can fixture. I.E. A BR40 Incandescent is a similar bulb type as a BR40 halogen. The important thing to remember here is to not go over the wattage the your can fixture recommends. Using a light bulb with the wattage too high for the fixture could shorten the life of the light bulb and could even cause a fire in some of the older cans.

By asking yourself these questions before buying, you will eliminate the confusion this purchase can present. And you will be happier overall with your purchase and the look of your room or application.

Holly has over 10 years experience in the lighting industry. Want more information about lighting or light bulbs? Visit her website http://www.lightbulbmarket.com

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Illuminate Your Home With the Best Lighting Fixtures

"Heaven is where the hearth is." The warmth of your home is the place where you spend half of your life. No wonder you want to make it just perfect and lend it the kind of look and feel you had dreamt of for years. Even after spending a fortune, you find that your home does not exude the kind of ambiance you had dreamt of for so long. Your furniture, accessories are no doubt expensive and match the wall colors but still something is missing. Actually, the problem does not lie in the furnishings but the lighting.

Commonly observed, most homeowners overlook the importance of lighting systems. Merely installing some expensive lights is not enough. Lighting systems can make or break the ambiance of your home. Be it indoors or outdoors, good lighting system can turn your 'not-so-good' home into a 'Wow! What beauty' home. Imagine a space as dark as night with other areas highlighted with soft halo of recessed lights. Besides, if your walls carry a theme, flame patterns for instance, the ambiance of the room gets doubly enhanced.

While landscape lighting takes care of your outdoor landscape and garden, recessed lighting takes care of the interiors. Recessed lighting is highly versatile and is used to focus on specific areas without distracting the attention to the light source.

When focusing on specific objects like artifacts, plants, or statues, halo recessed lighting is the ideal. This lighting system comprises of ceiling mounted bulbs contained within alcoves or small niches. When used with other lighting systems, halo recessed lighting creates illusion of greater space.

However, the real dilemma arises when it comes to choosing your lighting fixture brand. For track lighting fixtures, most people rely on Halo, Lightolier, and Juno lighting. However, when it comes to the overall lighting systems, including outdoors and indoors, Kichler lighting fixtures score too well. Their high quality lighting fixtures give your home a completely new ambiance. You can easily switch the mood of your room through these high-end lighting appliances.

A number of people might be deterred by the prices of high quality Kichler lighting fixtures. But the good news is that these fixtures are extremely affordable during some seasons. Some stores offer festive discounts on popular brands. All you need to do is keep a track of these offers to bring home the lights to illuminate it the way you had always desired. Remember, it's better to wait for the best than end up repenting with cheaper alternatives.

Wain Roy is an internet marketing professional expert in various industries like real estate, web design, finance, medical tourism and Juno lighting

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2012年6月23日 星期六

Onyx Pendant Lights Add Luxury to Your Home

You might think that lighting in your home goes unnoticed, but old, ugly light fixtures are sure to date your home's decor. Just by changing your lighting, you will update your home's interior and add value to your house. Pendant lighting is a more modern choice for your home, and you can find one to complement any décor. Onyx pendant lights bring a touch of luxury to any room in your house.

An onyx pendant light is made of a natural stone that is used to create the shade on a pendant lamp. Each shade piece is unique and one of a kind, because the stone is natural. Natural stone pendant lights are elegant and attractive. These rich-looking lighting fixtures add luxury to any home decor. They are as individual as art work for your home.

Where can you find an onyx pendant light? Alfa Lighting, a brand of Juno Lighting Group, specializes in high-quality decorative pendant lighting. They have one of the largest selections of natural onyx stone pendants available. All Alfa products are backed by the Juno Lighting Group's customer service and technical services group. They use the highest quality materials for all of their pendant shades and hardware.

Natural onyx pendant lights add warmth to your home and will set an inviting mood to any room in your house. Onyx pendant lights are particularly suited to kitchens and baths. They go well with granite countertops, and complement most cabinets and hardware. They will provide directed, task light over sinks and islands. The low-voltage qualities of these pendants provide bright, color-accurate lighting. They are far more attractive than standard kitchen and bath lighting fixtures.

With the widest selection of onyx pendant lights, Alfa Lighting should be your first stop when shopping for a natural stone pendant lamp. You can find Alfa products online at Lighting by Gregory. Even glass pendant lights can't outshine the elegance of a natural onyx pendant light.

Find the full product line of Alfa onyx pendant lights at Lighting by Gregory and shop online. Alfa Lighting specializes in decorative pendant lighting with one of the largest selections of onyx pendant lights available.

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Crompton Track Lighting - Task and Accent Lights

Crompton Lighting is a lamp manufacturing company established by Colonel Crompton in Great Britain in the late 1800s. The Colonel, who invented an ARC lamp known for its shadow-reducing filament, made a bigger name in the industry later on, as his company supplied lamps and fittings to the palaces of Queen Victoria. Currently, this company is a major supplier in both the UK and Australia.

The brand has been known for high-quality and efficient lamps, such as its Lightstar line. It is a series of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) that claims to save up to 80% of your energy consumption and to last for at least 8 times longer than standard CFLs.

Another excellent category of Crompton lights is their range of infrared heat lamps, which provide regulated and precise radiant energy that is ideal for heating, baking, food displays and incubation. The brand's Infrared Juno Heaters is suitable for instant heating requirements in protected outdoor areas, such as walls and under the eaves of covered patios. It is available in 1000W and 1500W. You can also choose between powder-coated and stainless steel bodies.

Also a popular choice among the brand's products is its track packs. They come with excellent quality lamps and elegantly designed fittings, as well as adjustable heads. These features make Crompton track lighting systems highly recommended to be used as task lights or to accentuate certain elements in your home or office. Each track head can be directed to specific work spaces, like a kitchen counter or a reception desk, or a certain decor, like a painting or a statue.

The track pack is a convenient way to have low voltage 3- or 4-lamp linear spotlights in your place. Purchase the appropriate lamps that you want together with the track pack and you will have everything you need for a task or accent lighting system. You can also buy optional accessories, such as joints and connectors, to make the track pack more versatile. These will help you make more creative lighting structures, such as a quad for your kitchen island or a V-shape for a special corner in your home.

Crompton Lighting also offers other equally superior products to illuminate both indoor and outdoor areas of homes, offices and buildings. Their post lamps, bollards and outdoor wall lanterns with diffuser are made to illuminate and enhance gardens, front lawns and other such areas. Their stylish fluorescent strip lights, flush-mounted lamps and pendant lights would bring elegant brightness to any ceiling.

Crompton track lighting and its other light systems are both functional and decorative. They are available online at Buyster. Visit the site for a wide selection of Crompton lights at reasonable prices.

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The Light For Living

There is something I would like to share with you. Some years ago I found myself called to express to many what I feel to be an important if not most important lesson - until now I have withheld this for a moment in which I could share and hopefully give greater understandings to what I have found to be a needed and deficient resource; a deficient energy, in a world that needs reservoirs of empowered souls to face adversity.

Some time ago I found myself on the very frontlines of Iraq. Clearing trenches, taking prisoners, and crossing mine fields. Fear and death walked hand in hand; a difficult and sacrificial experience I will always remember.

I recollect that in the midst of one battle with the Iraqi Republican Guard 26th Commando Brigade, I found two men. I found a disfigured man in the grips of death; missing his legs. He lay upon the back of another who had died minutes earlier. As this man bled near my feet, he blew me kisses as if to tell me "do not shoot me" "do not shoot me", I give up to you...please help me. We called the medics in an attempt to save his life, and while I waited I remember hugging the ground as bullets flew over my head. As men and war mingled in their deathly dance, I remember staring at the sun with an estrangement. I felt a separation from our planet; a disconnection in which I felt as if I had landed upon another land, another world. Was this anxiety? Traumatic stress reactions? Maybe, maybe not; but with certainty a comprehension of only survival with the absence of light in the very darkness of living. It was a modeling I had not witnessed; a contradiction of my civilized role and a contradiction of life's expectations. I witnessed no cohesion, but only conflict, hate and that which tears life from the limbs of purpose.

After my time was served I returned to the States, enrolling at Mott Community College and the The University of Michigan Flint School of Social Work. I began to interact and volunteer with communities, neighborhoods and people of all walks of life. After some time of study as well as working within the community I began to draw significant similarities between my experiences at war and the new experiences I had obtained right here at home.

It became apparent to me that injustice was everywhere. The impoverishment of woman, children, the disabled, veterans and many others gripped my heart as an emotional vice. I could not stand still. I could not be so arrogant to believe I deserved my circumstance...when they themselves could not meet their basic needs for a decent way of life, lacking equitable education, housing, health care and opportunity right here in America.

o The war dead of my mind are now the young people in our streets today shooting each other over scarce resources.

o The wounded casualties of our young sacrificing soldiers are now the emotionally, psychologically and physically abused children I have witnessed within the community due to impoverished environments and a lack of responsible parenting.

o From international to national leaders who have failed us from negotiations to military operations; so has the failed perceptions of those whom ignore the failings of an inequitable system that has assisted with less than able means considering our Nations vast resources.

With my experiences and perceptions; I realized that unjust circumstances, selfishness and conflicts tear at the hearts, minds, souls and lives of all people. Within these systems and processes of war; a war against poverty or a war against oppressive regimes; a conflict of values, ethnocentric positions and even the inability for people of all cultures to accept the different levels of values brought me to seek out the answer; that something of great substance was greatly lacking within our world.

With our ever changing world; socially, economically, politically and culturally, our unpredictable world seems to declare a message of individualistic selfishness and the abandonment of individual and social responsibility to care for others.

As the winds of globalization and the advancement of technology brings new and exciting challenges and a required need for the creation of new ideas in order to be a localized as well as globalized success in the presence of adversities. Success must be measured and will come not by representatives of power, but by leaders who will lead the light into the darkness by ensuring the selfless commitment to assist and empower individuals and the systems they are contingent to; allowing the opportunity to exist for all to meet their basic needs. Regardless of your history, your profession, your culture, your race, your religion... to relinquish inequity, to destroy individual and systemic injustice... you must be willing to be of unique character, energy and light; you must be willing to Love.

Igor Stravinsky once said "In order to create there must be a dynamic force and what force is more potent than Love?"

With this understood; our newly created ideas, interactions and our personal responsibility as members of our families, communities and societies for our future should be to plant these ideas into fertile soil. This uncommon decision so valuable for you as citizens, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers...as humans; is required in order to properly grow and flourish our future generations.

The elements of this fertile ground are expressed through commitment, personal responsibility, forgiveness, acceptance, acknowledgment of strengths and weaknesses, integrity, the value of all life, and the relentless pursuit to sacrifice oneself over others. This decision is one you all can till from the rows of your hearts and the plots of your minds.

William Barclay stated that: "Selfless love or Agape love has to do with the mind; it is not simply an emotion that rises unbidden within our hearts. It is a principle by which we deliberately live."

"William Barclay tells the enlightening story of how Edwin Stanton was the bitter opponent of Abraham Lincoln in the early days of their political careers. Stanton characterized the awkward-looking Lincoln as a clown, a gorilla, etc. When Lincoln became president, however, he appointed Stanton as his secretary of war, because he felt that he was the best man for the job. Later, when President Lincoln lay dead from Booth's bullet, at the bedside Stanton tearfully said: "There lies the greatest ruler of men the world has ever seen."

Abe Lincoln was truly a man that lived a principle of love - but today, so many speak of it; but too few express it.

"It is the ladder to scale the walls of pride. It is a shelter in which to hide. It is uncommon among the common life. It is the fuel that lights our life. Cowards hate, cowards take; but heroes live to love. No machine, no theory, no knowledge, no thought, no man...can make, create or even fully explain the powers love contains."

There was a statement made by a King in The Lord of The Rings story of the Twin Towers. This wonderful story by J.R. Tolken displays a similar reflection of our situation today in post modernized society. The King states as his castle is being taken over by evil fighters."What can men do in the presence of such reckless hate?" This is a brilliant description of today's interactions in society. Such reckless hate exists; such evil overwhelms our minds and lives; how can one survive? Evil expressed, defined and declared by the pursuit to destroy that which lives; to destroy the pleasure of living a life. To take the purpose from our reality itself.

"There is only one way to combat such tyranny. To purposely and militantly love. Hate and darkness is outmatched and incompatible with such power. In the presence of light, darkness cannot hide."

You who listen; you who have been loved and have been given the opportunity to make choices and opportunity in your lives. You have not been given opportunity, resources or maybe even wealth to seem better than others or to have more than others, but to give and love more than you have ever done before. This is your responsibility for yourself and your future.

As you have discovered, life is unpredictable and all of us have suffered in one way or another. This suffering must be turned inside out; used as energy for loving rather than hating; giving rather than taking. You must carry sharpened swords through darkened doors. One must sharpen a blade dulled by negative circumstances in order to cut deep through armor of the soldiers of darkness. One must love.

- For you teachers: a young child in your class is hungry, abused and in need of compassion in order to obtain a decent education. To that child you must be more than just a teacher. Their futures depend upon it, our futures depend upon it.

- For you nurses: a young man is dying of a rare disease. He seeks an ear to listen. You must be more than a Nurse. His sanity and our humanity depend upon it.

- Business owners: Someday you may have to decide between higher profits or affordable health care for your workers; what will you decide? Will you rationalize or prioritize?

- For any and all of us: People must be loved; it is a basic need; you must be more than a common citizen. You must be a human that loves beyond all circumstances, beyond all negative events, beyond all negative thoughts and feelings, you must choose to Love.

- Years from now our generations, our families and even our existence will depend upon our choices. Our choice to love, or hate? To destroy or make? What might you decide?

You must make that difference; the difference is what love makes...the difference to change the world.

In concluding, we as citizens of many groups, races, cultures...as humans always seek and love to be a success, but you cannot truly succeed in anything you do without loving others. I want to encourage you that in the midst of your lives and competition for resources within our individualistic society, that you measure your success by how much you loved, and gave in your professions, families, communities and society; and to ignore individualistic ideas of selfishness. If you will commit to this uncommon endeavor you will discover that loving others changes everything... loving others even changes you!

Let us set ourselves apart; leading by example as we develop the character and personal fortitude to make the right decisions within our professional and personal lives that will carry a positive impact for generations to come.

The world, the inequitable systems that oppress and take from others are governed, designed and transpired through all of us. The poor, the oppressed, the vulnerable, are depending upon your transformation to consistently love. Together as leaders and citizens of our future we can make a better, more equitable, more hopeful... a more selfless tomorrow...marked by light rather than darkness...marked by shine than shadow.

Fellow citizens,

...go shine.

Copyright2005 Compassionpwr@juno.com

See L.J.Riley Jr. Bio on other articles

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