2012年6月1日 星期五

How to Make Massive Movement Towards Your Dreams - Learn From Obama's "Leap" to President

One of the remarkable things about our new President is that his past did not predict his future. Barack Obama is a classic example of a "Leap Frogger": someone who bypasses the predictable climb up the ladder (rung by predictable rung) and instead hurdles forward to unprecedented heights.

In other words they chart their own course through what appears to the rest of us as "magical leaps."

Some examples of Leap Froggers:

A Minneapolis stripper writes her first screenplay and wins an Oscar (Diablo Cody, "Juno")
A young man drops out of Harvard to develop a computer software program, launching Microsoft and becoming one of wealthiest men on the planet. (Bill Gates)
An American, with a Kenyan father, is raised in Hawaii by his single mother and rises to President after only 4 years on the National Political field. (Barack Obama)

Obama's rise to President was fast! From 2004 - 2009, he went from State Senator, to U.S. Senator, to U.S. President.

So why don't more of us make a leap forward in our own lives? For starters you were trained at a young age to climb not leap.

In school you start with grade 1, do all of the assignments, graduate, go to grade 2, get passing grades and head to straight to... grade 3. And yes, there is the occasional student who skips a grade, but a "skip" is worlds away from a LEAP.

After school, you typically end up in the work force with a new ladder to climb. Now there is NOTHING wrong with this system. It's very efficient. You can set goals for yourself and map out long-term goals to get you from point A to point B and on to point C. I am not poo-pooing that at all. However, when an Obama comes along, it's as if a superman has entered the scene. Or you may see leapers as "lucky," as if they just won the lottery ticket of life.

But maybe leaping is something we are all capable of! The following is a list of Leap Frogger traits I put together. Try them on and see how they fit in your own life.

#1 - Allow Yourself to Dream Big. Before Barack married Michelle, he mentioned to his future brother-in-law, that he might run for President. (His brother told him to be quiet about that idea and just meet the family.) Obama had a dream, and it was BIG.

#2 - Allow Your Heart and Your Passions to Guide You. In 1985, Obama left a job with a NY business consultant to become a $13,000 per year community organizer in the South Side of Chicago. Obama says, "It's a consequence of working with this community that I found my calling. There was something more than making money and getting a fancy degree. The measure of my life would be public service."

#3 - Surround Yourself with Supportive People and AVOID the Nay-sayers. Some of Obama's early supporters at the local political level were disgruntled when he chose to run for higher offices. Can you imagine the loss to not only this country but the world if Obama had for one moment let any of their concerns stop him? Don't let other peoples "stuff" or smallness hold YOU back. The world needs your light, so if you know there is a spot light for you to step into, then no one can tell you otherwise.

#4 - Learn from Your Climb, but Forge Your Own Path. Leap Froggers don't come out of nowhere. Obama's career includes tough years as a community organizer, slogging it out at Harvard Law School, and a failed bid for Congress in 2000. In other words, Obama did a lot of climbing, but he also did not let the ladder hold him back from taking a big leap.

#5 - Connect to source. Leapers are full of human spirit. Which is why their trajectories are unparalleled. Spirit is not confined to the 3-dimensional chess board of life. Spirit is connected to source (or God, or Allah, or the Universe, or whatever you'd like to call it) where the old rules don't apply.

Thank goodness for Leap Froggers like Obama, who don't hold back but shine their bright spirits, forging whole new paths and worlds for the rest of us to live into.

Where do you want to "leap" in 2009? I invite you to model these Leap Frog traits and start LEAPING towards your own dreams!

Heather Gray is a personal coach who inspires you to find your own brand of soul-satisfaction: a combination of finding your truth + growing thru obstacles + creating your freedom and fulfillment plan. She is also a writer, author and "laptop lifestyle" enthusiast.

"There has never been a better time to birth your best You!"

Go to http://soulfilledlife.com for FREE access to her 'Best of the Best' Soul-filled Life list!

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