2011年12月4日 星期日

The Myth of Menstruation

Concurring with my good friend and brother, Rev. Phil Valentine (metaphysician out of New York), the female menstrual cycle is normal, but NOT natural. As the human body has the innate capabilities to adapt to pathologies, irregularities, and abnormalities, the female body (ever since the Great fall nearly 6,000 years ago and which has absolutely nothing to do with a fictitious Biblical character named Eve) has adapted to the pathology of menstruation and now uses this process as a cleansing method to rid the female body of toxins and waste. The female body has taken that which is unnatural (to bleed and lose the vital life essence) and converted that process into a normal female body function. Because of the menstrual cycle, women now have an additional eliminative channel in the vagina, bringing their total to six major eliminative channels (colon, lungs, kidneys, liver, skin, and vagina). It is because of this sixth eliminative channel that rids the female body of unnecessary waste and toxins that women generally outlive men by seven years.

Why is menstruation considered a dis-ease? Because it is not natural in nature or the wild (free). It is rare to find a mammal that lives and eats according to the laws of Nature to have a menstrual cycle. Have you ever witnessed a female horse, gorilla, elephant, buffalo, monkey, hippopotamus, giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, or cow having a menstrual discharge? Don't you think corporate and greedy man would have devised feminine pads and tampons for these animals to prevent the spilling and dropping of excessively large amounts of blood? Why of course corporate man would have, just like he did for Western and civilized woman so that she could continuously battle in the war zone called corporate America that was originally designed for white males. Man created pads and tampons for career females so that the menstrual cycle would not interfere with daily business activity. You see, with men, there is no so-called "natural" phenomenon that over takes the male body once a month causing a break in chores and activities. Originally, during the cycle time, women abstained from work and other daily functions. This break time due to menstruation was anywhere from 1-3 days at the most.

Menstruation is not abnormal in domesticated creatures in so-called civilization (which really means "slavery"). Just look at the house cat and dog. These creatures have a menstrual cycle, just like the social creature called woman.

For a human being, especially a mammal, to lose its vital life essence (blood) monthly, is not a natural occurrence. Blood exiting out of the body is not a natural thing. If a man goes to urinate and sees blood in his urine, he first screams in fear and then goes to the emergency room at the local hospital to see the doctor. Why? Because it's a sign that something is wrong (if a man does urinate blood, chances are he has prostate cancer).

The life of the flesh is in the blood. Even the Bible tells us this (Leviticus 17:11). The blood contains vital elements (minerals) necessary to maintain optimal health. The blood transports the various minerals to certain parts of the body so that certain organs may work and function optimally for the sake of the being. For example, calcium calms the nerves. Potassium ensures optimal nerve transmission. Iodine regulates and ensures optimal thyroid gland functioning and activity. Iron ensures hemoglobin and is now the major carrier of oxygen (taking over this duty from the mineral "gold" which we no longer use in our modern and degenerative states of existence as third dimensional beings). Now if the blood which carries these minerals throughout the body is being eliminated out of the body for the sake of ridding the female body of toxins and waste (which the colon and kidneys could easily perform), then the organs that need and depend on these vital elements are not going to get them and the result is going to be dis-ease or lack of good or optimal health (e.g. PMS [premenstrual syndrome]).

Take PMS for example; PMS is associated with mood swings, irritability of nerves, gas (flatulence), abdominal cramps, headaches, body spasms, short term memory loss, etc. Why? Because of a lack of nutrients or organ-specific foods to these areas for proper functioning. With blood saturated in the vaginal area during the menses and exiting via the vagina, the brain is not going to get the minerals carbon, copper, calcium and potassium (at least the amount it requires). Calcium is a calmative (calming agent). It calms you down. Do you know why the animals who graze on grasses like oats, alfalfa, barley, wheat, and gotu kola are so calm? Because they contain high amounts of calcium. Animals know that God made the grass to grow for their benefit and good health. The Book of Psalms clearly tells us that, "He causeth the grass to grow for cattle,..." Do you know why elephants are said to have good memories? Because they graze on gotu kola, an herb that enhances mental acuity and stamina. Therefore, female elephants do not experience episodes of short term memory loss (nor do they develop Alzheimer's Disease as the herb gotu kola contains bio-aluminum [organic aluminum] which attracts harmful, man-made aluminum which causes Alzhiemer's in the first place, and rids it from the body via the blood).

With blood leaving the body during the menses, the nerves are not going to get its needed amount of potassium for proper nerve transmission. The thyroid gland (a major factor in weight gain and loss) is not going to get the necessary amount of iodine it needs to regulate body weight. And with a major loss of iron, a trace element, anemia is going to undoubtedly occur and cause a host of ill-effects such as dizziness, weakness, nausea, fatigue, frigidity (or feeling excessively cold), and brittle fingernails.

During the menstrual cycle, the female body is going to saturate the blood supply in the vaginal area to help with the menstrual cycle, and as a result, necessary minerals will not be transported in the amount needed by the other body organs and members. These minerals that are lodged in the vaginal area during the menstruation will come out in bulk in the "white" stage (leukorrheac discharge). Yes, that white discharge commonly referred to as "leucorrhea," is full of nutrition (that nutrition which did not make the grade doing the menstrual cycle). The white discharge is considered healthy or normal due to its high mineral content and non-smelly or foul odor, whereas and in contrast to an irritating, pruritic, copious, foul-smelling green or yellow discharge, which indicates vaginal or uterine infection or other pathogenic conditions of gynecologic origin. (See Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary, 3rd edition, "leucorrhea.")

So PMS is due to mineral deficiency, and not a curse by God on females. Medical logic suggest that PMS can be cured or corrected by counteracting mineral deficiency by giving the body more minerals before, during, and after the menstrual cycle. The best source of these minerals is raw, organic foods (fruits and vegetables) and herbs. And remember, your body has nerves that connect to every organ in your body. The gas pockets in the colon explode and press against other nerves sites in the colon (which contain 360 nerve crystals) and cause a host of other problems, especially headaches.

It is reported that the African women kidnapped and brought to America during the American slavery period (1555-1863) did not have a menstrual cycle, but a period. Yes, they only had a little drop of blood the size of a small dot, which is why it was called a "period," that mark we make and utilize in the English language, but which is now associated with the menstrual "cycle." The term "cycle" is now a synonym for the word "period."

We find support of the disease nature of the menstrual cycle in the Bible in the story of Jesus healing the woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years. This account is detailed in the Book of Mark. Many Christian reverends, who do not apply or understand metaphysics, construe this issue of blood as a cut on the woman's body that Jesus healed, but if these ignorant Christian reverends understood medical logic, science, and fact, they would know that no human being can bleed for more than a period of 12 hours without dying! If a person bleeds for 12 hours straight, we all know what happens, except for our blind Christian pastors, especially the Negro ones. We read in Mark, Chapter 5, Verses 25-34, the following: "And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse. When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up: and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, 'Who touched my clothes?" And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitudes thronging thee, and sayest thou, who touched me? And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing. But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what she done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. And he said unto her, 'Daughter, they faith had made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague."

Now why do you think this woman's issue of blood that lasted for twelve years was called a "plague?" Well, what is a "plague?" The word "plague" is defined as: 1. A widespread affliction or calamity. 2. A cause of annoyance; nuisance. 3. A highly infectious, usu. fatal epidemic disease, esp. bubonic plague. (The American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd edition, Office Edition, pg. 633).

Do not most American females feel afflicted, annoyed, or nuisanced during their menstrual cycle? The answer is yes! Why do you think they take pharmaceutical drugs like Midol® during their cycle? For fun? Hell no! They are in pain or feel afflicted. Many or most of them (females) are not the same during this time, and they will tell you so, like they have told me so. They become very grouchy and irritated. Many will tell you that they are a "bitch" during this time and to leave them alone and/or don't say a word to them, lest they slap you or punch you in the face. Why do they become like this? It is because of the calamity or the plague, as the Bible calls it.

In analyzing the Mark 5:25-34 story or parable of the woman with an issue of blood for twelve years, we must apply spiritual or metaphysical hermaneutics and exigesis. Number one, the issue of blood lasting twelve years could be no other than the menstrual cycle. It could not be a form of blood cancer (leukemia) as cancer kills usually within six months to three years. It could not have been a bleeding sore on the body because nobody can bleed daily and nonstop for twelve years. The touching of Jesus' garments is a metaphor or spiritual symbolical meaning or action referring to Jesus' lifestyle. A garment is what protects or covers you. Likewise, a righteous and wholistic lifestyle covers and protects you (from sickness, disease, slavery, and premature death). The woman touching Jesus' garment meant that the woman touched (practiced) Jesus' way of living. The "fountain of her blood" referred to her vagina. And clearly, her "faith" (in being cured by a righteous and Essenic lifestyle) made her whole (at ease and not dis-eased). It is important to note that the parable begins by saying that she suffered (took) many things of physicians (drugs) and had spent all that she had. If her issue was in fact a wound on the skin as most Negro Christian reverends suggests, a physician would have had knowledge to bandage up the wound in order to put pressure on the wound so as to stop the profuse bleeding.

Moving on in our subject matter, if menstruation is necessary and natural, and serves to expel or eliminate toxins from the female body on a monthly basis, why then does the menstrual cycle stop or go away during pregnancy? Does a toxic woman automatically become clean or nontoxic because of pregnancy? Of course not! So why does the menses halt? The answer lies in the fact of the body's intelligence knowing that a new life is forming in the flesh and that the body will need extra nutrition for the building blocks of the new life. The body knows it loses these building blocks (minerals) during menstruation, so the body's intelligence prevents the body from menstruating once conception takes place. So what about the process of eliminating toxins? How does the female body throw off toxins during pregnancy? The female body will utilize the first trimester (or first three months) to eliminate toxins from the mother host body via "morning sickness." I don't have a clue as to why this activity is called "morning sickness" because women will suffer through this sickness throughout the day - morning, noon, and night; - something to make you think about! Women will throw up (vomit, regurgitate) to help get the body clean for the baby to develop in. Some females are so toxic, that the body will dump most of the toxins from the uterine area in to the liver, which causes or manifests "eclampsia," which is liver toxicity during pregnancy. Taking synthetic and harmful pharmaceutical drugs euphemistically called "prenatal tabs" (made with horse manure, bitumen, and coal tar) and inorganic sources of "iron" (which is derived from rusted metals such as railroad tracks) will greatly play a role in eclampsia. This synthetic and deadly "iron" [ferrous fumate and sulfate] is the cause of constipation and bloated feeling in pregnant women. Pharmaceutical companies mix this inorganic iron (humans require "organic" or "living" iron from plant sources) with inorganic sulphur. The injurious effects of inorganic mineral sulphur however, is caused by its affinity for iron and also its destruction of ferments and enzymes, and by its generation of sulphurous and sulphuric acids within the organism. It steals the iron from food and blood, forming sulphide of iron which constipates and dries up the several secretions of the digestive tract. It also steals nascent hydrogen from the fluids and tissues forming sulphuranhydride or sulphureted hydrogen. Women, this is the cause of the foul smelling gas you expel and have been revolted at, which is always given off by decaying organic matter, animal and vegetable. It is the smell of rotten eggs, putrid sores, fecal matter, and decaying flesh.

Should menstruating women engage in sexual intercourse? For health and hygiene reasons, I say no, especially if a woman is lying on her back. My reasoning is this - like the rectum, the female vagina has a "downward" spiral energy. Most eliminative channels have a downward, spiral energy (e.g. colon, kidneys). While in the sex act, the male penis strokes in and out while inside the vagina. As menstruation is a cleansing time, expelling toxins and waste from the female body, waste and toxins traveling down the vagina to the exit or opening of the vagina will eventually be pushed back up into the uterine area by the stroking male penis, and especially if a man is stroking or penetrating hard, fast, and deep with his sex organ. This is something to think about. Plain and simple, it is unhygienic and unhealthy and poses a serious health risk.

In closing, what can a female do to offset the side effects of the "plague" (menses)? The answer is found in the Bible in Psalms 104:14. It clearly states, "He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth." Plain and simple!

To replenish the body of the necessary nutrients (minerals), consume herbs such as alfalfa, sheep sorrel, suma, rooisbos, rose hips, watercress, parsley leaf, moringa or karela seed, barley grass, wheat grass, nettle leaf, and spinach leaf. These herbs provide almost every mineral the body needs.

Also, consume sea weeds such as kelp, dulse, spirulina, chlorella, Irish Moss, bladderwrack, Blue-Green Algae, Iceland Moss, and red marine algae. Sea weeds are the best and most nutritious foods you can eat, and provide your body with everything you need (oxygen, minerals, protein, etc.) and are an excellent source of organic "iodine" (thyroid gland food).

Natural sources rich in "iron" include: yellow dock root, burdock root, dandelion root, elderberries, red raspberry leaf, rooibos, and mullein leaf. Green vegetables such as parsley, greens, chives, and spinach are also great sources of iron. Blackstrap molasses (unsulphured) also provides a good amount of iron.

Natural sources of "calcium" include: comfrey root (don't believe the hype about liver toxicity), oatstraw, horsetail, and red raspberry leaf. All green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium (if you juice or lightly steam them).

Herbs to coagulate the blood and stop excessive bleeding include: goldenseal, cranesbill (alum root), dragon's blood, manjistha, musta, shepherd's purse, lady's mantle, yarrow, cayenne, Solomon's seal, barberry, and heal-all herb.

Herbs to regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle and flow include: maca, black cohosh, blue cohosh, dong quai, mugwort, red raspberry leaf, wild yam root (best and highest source of natural progesterone), squawvine, false unicorn, chaste tree berries, lycii fruit, red clover tops (best and highest source of natural estrogen), licorice root, sarsaparilla, and angelica.

Herbs that counteract menstrual cramping and spasms include: beth or birth root, crampbark, fennel seed, anise seed, and wild yam root.

Herbs that counteract menstrual related pain and headaches include: white willow bark, black willow bark, feverfew, meadowsweet, birch bark, wood betony, wild lettuce, peppermint, wintergreen, and woodruff.

Herbs that help soothe the nerves during the menstrual cycle include: nerve root or lady's slipper, kava kava, jatamansi, valerian root, lavender flower, passionflower, hops, skullcap, chamomile, and linden flower.

Herbs that give energy for fatigue during the menstrual cycle include: ginseng (all species), ashwagandha, schizandra berries, jiwanti, yerba mate, green tea, suma, codonopsis bark, kola or bissey nut, and guarana seed.

Herbs for mental stimulation during the menstrual cycle include: gotu kola, gingko biloba, bringraj, ashwagandha, ginseng, holy or blessed thistle, kola or bissey nut, yerba mate, and guarana seed.

Herbs that counteract constipation during the menstrual cycle include: senna leaves and pods, cascara sagrada, buckthorn, aloe vera resin, rhubarb root, jalap root, bibitaki, mandrake, black walnut hulls, poke root, slippery elm bark, Irish moss, guar gum, acacia gum, and psyllium Husks.

Herbs that strengthen the uterus during the menstrual cycle include: ashoka, squawvine, false unicorn, pumpkin seed, cocculus root, and saw palmetto.

Natural remedies to counteract breast soreness and tenderness during the menstrual cycle include: (oils) [internally and externally] evening primrose oil, borage oil, black currant oil; (externally - massaged into breasts) olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, grapefruit seed oil, rose hip seed oil; (essential oils that can be added to breast massage oil) fennel seed oil, clary sage, grapefruit peel oil, and rosemary; (herbs) saw palmetto berries, honeysuckle flower, red raspberry leaf, red clover tops, yew tips, poke root, wild indigo, and red root.

Herbs that counteract eclampsia during pregnancy include: white peony bark, deer tongue herb, milk thistle seeds, dandelion root, burdock root, carbon (activated charcoal), uva ursi, grapevine leaf, and Oregon grape.

Djehuty Ma'at-Ra is an herbalist and researcher located in the Glendale area of Los Angeles, California and can be reached via e-mail at djehutym@juno.com

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