In a world where most students are 'wired', not all students are 'wired' at the same time! Not all students are in front of their computer screens (or getting email through cell phones, if they can)at any given moment.
The Virginia Tech University is being attacked for not informing all students of the violence in a timely manner. The problem being mass communicating to all students on campus.
My solution to the Virgina Tech University mass communication problem: (This can work for ANY university, college, high school, middle school or organization for that matter.)
Post a red light warning system on campus or school property. Make the light conspicuous! Place them on street lights, walk ways, open areas and buildings. When a student or faculty member sees the red light, they should immediately stop, receive and spread the necessary information provided for their protection.
If there is was red light warning, it would at least let the students and faculty question its context under the guise that it must be a necessary one. The faculty, students and administration can determine or create their own news/information outlet that they deem credible (if not plausible).
(IE.. Campus radio/TV station news alert, emergency phone recording/voice mail, TV monitor, E-mail, etc...)
Would the red light warning system have stopped the Columbine massacre, the school shootings in Minnesota or the Amish tragedy? I can not answer that, but would venture to! But I do believe that a red light warning after the first shootings at Virginia Tech would have been more an asset than a distraction. If Cho saw the red lights and knew that he may have been spotted, would he have run? Or if others were on the look out and aware of the situation maybe...just maybe...things could have turned out a bit different!
It may not be a perfect plan. But it is a plan.
Professional actor/writer/director Michael J. Ferruzza has over 1300 professional credits in the entertainment industry.
He is the Managing Director of The Creative Talent Workshop, the Midwest's top training and marketing program for professionals in the entertainment industry.
He has been featured on Fox television, the Showtime movie channel, and the Modern American Homes syndicated television show.
He teaches and counsels new and experienced actors all across the United States. He speaks to schools, colleges and universities.
He is currently working on a new film project.
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