2011年12月3日 星期六

November 2009 Astrological Overview

November 2009

Happy Birthday Scorpio and Sagittarius


WE begin this month using the energy of November's gemstone which is the Aquamarine or Beryl. Power colors great for us to be using now are those passionate and Deep Reds and oranges of Passion and creativity.

Planets are actors and the planets highlighted during this time are Jupiter which moved direct on 10/12 and Chiron moving direct 10/30 and NOW the 3rd magical partner adds his energy as Neptune the planet bringing this 3 some into action moves direct on 11/4.

This magical energy of Faith (Jupiter) healing (Chiron) and Bringing in our Dreams and intuition into the mix (Neptune) have been traveling together in Aquarius this last year for the first time in thousands of years. They enter their last joining of being at the exact same degree on December 21st at 12:53am and this energy begins to move away from us forever.

Of course it will be replaced by other energy but the change your mind and HEAL YOUR Past with the dreams you have for your future shifts after this date. So...sign up now for the RIDE and change the past by Healing your thoughts and begin to IMAGINE: Time is running out for this special deal the universe is offering us, sign up now..

How we encounter this energy and use it is to BELIEVE and begin to create a new reality within our minds, and then open our hearts to the recognition that we are truly one and all in this together. We need to recognize that we can heal and there are others who will need our help and others who we will receive assistance from and be willing to open to this next step for ourselves and the planet. We must stop looking at those outside of self as others and recognize our connections.

The sun shining in the sign of Powerful and emotionally connected Scorpio until the 21st is asking us to encounter the passions within ourselves and says that only by really feeling what is happening within our selves can we change external circumstances in our lives. The theme of Scorpio is "I CREATE WITH FEELINGS" and this fixed water sign is symbolized by the Scorpion, the eagle and the Phoenix. SO we all are encountering the resourceful and powerful energy of recreating ourselves if we are willing to do the work.

WE also have a strong energy of REVIEWING our lives, options and a strong need to now really get to work Manifesting our dreams into reality with the full moon, releasing time on the 2nd of November. This full moon is in the fixed signs of Scorpio and Taurus and asks us to look at how we feel and what are we holding onto (fixed on) which is hurting us and to eliminate it over the next 2 weeks.

Juno the asteroid about equality in partnerships moves direct at 21 degrees of Pisces on the 2nd and we are asking. WHAT next, and where is that person I have been waiting for and this energy exists to help you find that connection.

On the 4th of November Neptune moving direct at 23 degrees of Aquarius says, IMAGINE and BELIEVE and heal, and what you are looking for is coming very soon.

On the 7th Venus the planet of love moves out of Libra and into the realm of powerful emotions as it enters the sign of Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio encounters passion joyfully and is willing to feel and works well with the other powerful energy this month of moving into our emotions to use them rather than have them use us. Making our thoughts and our feelings into our peaceful and healing servants is part of the task we all have this month..

Mercury also will be in Scorpio until the 15th when it enters Sagittarius. So the theme right now really favors anything which involves intimate and inner connections to self and others. This is a time of tender feelings and people paying attention to what they believe are your motives, so make sure and be clear and ask If others understand what it is that you are really saying during the first of this month.

Dark of the moon magical dates are the 14th which carries some very POWERFUL energy of healing and intuition, the 15th with not quite such an easy energy and the 16th until 11:14am when we have the new moon. This new moon seed planting time happens at 24 Degrees of Scorpio and is a very Powerful day. Now energy begins to INCREASE as the moon grows larger in the night sky and we are connected more powerfully to inner knowing, guides and angels.

After the 21st when the sun moves to Sagittarius the energy shifts to a lighter and more free theme. Sagittarius is FIRE and mutable in nature and when planets enter this sign often we lighten up and are more open to new options.

The Colors of Sagittarius are Purple and deep colors of blues. Keywords for this time are freedom-loving, truth, optimistic, aspiring to higher awareness and can also be a bit dogmatic in a belief that there is only one truth.

Topaz is a wonderful stone to connect you to this powerful time of intensity and knowing your own truth.. Topaz is worn to radiate the gift of light that dispels the darkness and ignorance. The topaz is said to calm anger in the wearer and light a path through the darkness.

On the 23rd as the moon in Aquarius touches Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune again we are able to connect to healing and connection of body, mind and spirit for next to the last time in your lifetime. Aquarius says, move into change and be willing to LET GO OF WHAT WAS in order to create what CAN BE:

Use Kindness and understanding with self and others this month. You are in charge, you can control this energy and turn it to hope, and joy and love, rather than your fears, or anger controlling you. I see huge transformations for us all during this month. Saturn now in the sign of Libra (relationships and balance) and Uranus (in Pisces, creating dreams by imagination and vision) are working for the next year in opposition trying to bring changes to the world and to us by some very radical means. Going inwards and healing the past in order to have a healthy future is the only answer for how to make any of this work. Stop...take a look in the mirror Please and begin there...

And if you are not willing to transform, which seems to be the word of the month, how about we think about reviewing how we are feeling about our lives and see what needs transforming? and For other articles pertaining to the planets shifting, and more, please visit my website at

http://www.carolbarbeau.com Namaste

Carol Barbeau carolastro@carolbarbeau.com

Carol Barbeau is an teacher, author and student of many metaphysical and healing traditions. Visit Carols website at http://www.carolbarbeau.com for free articles and more. You may call her for an appointment at 206 542 7641 or e mail her at carolastro@carolbarbeau.com

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